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15 May 2012, 14:30

It's Juliana fr wgc. What exactly fo u wanna do for quiz night? We hv meeting tmr so I can tell the girls

It's on the last friday of term, at our school. We have the hall till 930pm

Wat abt the activities?

Angelina has the list we came up with, but i think it was stuff like physical challenges along with normal quiz questions, eating challenges etc.

Do we hv anyone planning it in detail yet?

We didn't actually agree anything at that last meeting, so i don't think so yet. And daniel is kinda useless at doing work.

I'll ask Angie abt the list. I think the teachers r away soon so we need sth done before that

What do you mean something done? And out one is away atm but we have the hall booked already and he is able to turn up. So all that's left is planning what we do.

I mean the plan for the night. Sr abt that.

Ah ok well we need to sort out maybe a plan for the night then.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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