Suraj in danger 🤣

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Recap; SuKor spend another night together under the moonlight. Manik has some weird intentions on Suraj... Food

Suraj; ey come here!! He calls all the students together.

Chantal; Sir u n Miss what were u both doing last night? She plays with her hair a chewing the gum in her mouth.

Suraj; Non of ur business. Go! Get some water drinkable!! Coconuts!!! Mother Nature!!!

Chantal left.

Danger; so become her bed bunny again.

Suraj shook his head. Hers na not ur mothers now go n get some fishes.

Danger; how?!

Suraj; what how?! Make a fishing rod n go fishing!!!

Danger scratches his head in confusion. Sir how I will make it..?!.

Suraj hits his palm on his forehead. Go n find a slim rod / stick of wood go!!!

Danger left from there. Suraj just shook his head in disbelief. Shit where I got stucked in.

Manik; Suraj...?! Here please if u want... he gave Suraj a coconut.

Suraj shook his head. No thanks...

Chakor; Suraj could u please come...?!.

Suraj smiles. He immediately rushes to her. Haan Chakor say?!.

Chakor; look... she shows on the direction where Danger was standing...

Danger was played with Chantal he was pulling her hair n trying to take off her top...

Suraj; Danger!!!! U idiot!!! He was looking around to find a wood stick...

He took it n starts to beat Danger...

Danger; u can't hit me!!!!

Suraj; I can n I will!!!! He starts to beat Danger.

Manik; he is so gud n handsome but what is he doing he knows it's illegal?!.

Chakor; do u care?! Then go n stop him...

Suraj; will u try it again?! Will U?!.

Danger; No Sir😭😭😭

Chantal; Sir look... will this help? She found a stick of Bambus.

Suraj took it. Nice now get me a strong thread n... he was looking for something sharpe to use as a hook.... Ur earring!!!

Chantal got scared. My earring?!! No Sir...😭😭😭.

Suraj; GIVE IT TO ME!!!

Chantal scared n gave him her earring.

Suraj; the other one too!!! Arrey what use of this only one?! Give!!!

Chantal nods n gave to him.


Chantal; Sir Beer?!.

Suraj; Haan...! He winks

Chakor; what?!. She fumes....

Suraj; was checking on her stupidity. Go get the coconuts... n take that idiot Zainap with u.

Zainap; Sir don't call me idiot!

Suraj; fine dumbass!!!

Zainap stamps with her feet's on sand.

Suraj; what use? Go!!!

Chantal n Zainap. Such a idiot..

Chakor; uff girls An Idiot!! AEIOU always use an not a it's an idiot!!!

The girls; whatever... where we will find the coconuts?!.

Manik; there on the trees

Chakor looked there. She shook her head. Suraj!!!

Suraj was busy in fishing... Danger get the coconuts down n take that useless Burak with u!

Danger was still crying...

Burka; come on man don't be p*ssy... get up!

Chakor; hey don't use these words. Go n get the coconuts down or I will give Suraj a free hand...

The both scared n rushed to tree. One by one climbed high n cut a coconut. They were struggling.

Chakor; Suraj...?! She shows on them.

Suraj shook his head. Chantal!!! Zainap!!!

Both come.

Suraj; hold that n I want fish! U got it!!!

They nod....

Suraj went to the boys who just cut a coconut from the root n it fall on Suraj head...

Suraj felt unconscious...

Manik; Suraj 😱😱😱 im coming I have done the first aid course I'm a trained nurse.

Chakor... what?!.

Manik went to Suraj he was sitting over him placing his head up n then.... his hot breath was coming near...

Suraj hand reaches to the neck of Manik....

Manik gulps. Suraj it's me!!!

Suraj; haan I can see...!

Suraj pushes him away n looked at Chakor. His anger raised n Chakor runaway from there. He chased her.

Suraj; u could have me mouth to mouth breathing.

Chakor was laughing. Haan I know But... hahaha. He come first I... haha... couldn't do anything!

Suraj; U pay for that!!! If something had happened?!.

Chakor places her hands around his neck. Don't worry I know u r straight. I know u will change him...

Suraj; I will kill him...

Chakor; no!!! She kisses him..

They all looked at them...

Chantal; see I told u na...

Burak; r we now passed?!

Suraj looked at them. What passed u r good for nothing. U almost killed me!

Danger; but u two have an affair!

Chakor; so?!

Zainap; we will blackmail u!

Suraj; y is there a law or a house rule that we r not allowed to be together?!

They thought n shook their heads.

Suraj; I'm hungry!!!

They all did the work n started to eat...

Suraj; how many days we have to stay with them?!

Chakor; just one day more....

Suraj; when I will have the money I will quit

Chakor kisses his cheek...


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