Part 8

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You shriek, dropping to your knees immediately as a ball of blue fire barely misses your head. Christopher snarls, instantly covering your body with his, Ghost cursing under his breath as he ducks to the other side of the railing.

"Fuck all of you!" Vinny shouts, his voice echoing through the entryway. You cringe, hating the cold heat of the fire, how even at a distance it makes your skin burn and crawl. You shiver almost immediately, the demons arms tightening around you protectively. "I hate you! Both of you! You've ruined everything for me!"

"Oh, get a bloody hold of yourself!" Ghost spits, slowly rising back to his feet. "Don't think pitching a temper tantrum is ---." He ducks again as another ball of fire hurtles for his head, missing and knocking into a marble statue. The statue shatters instantly, pieces spiraling in every direction as smoke begins to rise.

Christopher growls, the deep rumble starting in his chest and rising outward; that statue is eight hundred years old!

Well, was.

"Get a hold of him!" He hisses at his brother, but Ghost just sends him in incredulous look.

"Why me?"

"Because you brought him here!"

"But he's not mine to watch over! You do something!"

For fucks sake!

"Stay here," Christopher huffs, and rises to his feet. You curl yourself up into a smaller ball, sitting right beside the rails, your fingers curling around the thick wood. You watch through the gaps as Christopher moves, going so fast you don't even see him move. Your eyes widen as he seems to appear behind Vinny, grabbing him by the back of his collar and slinging him so hard onto his back it sounds like thunder.

Vinny groans immediately in pain, but Christopher doesn't wait, wrenching him back halfway to his feet by the front of his shirt.

"Stop." Christopher hisses, his eyes darkening dangerously. "I will not tolerate this behavior in my home, do you understand me, Vincent!?"

"Screw you," Vinny wheezes, slightly winded. "Just kill me if you don't want me here so badly!"

"That would be too easy," Christopher hauls the demon to his feet, keeping a tight grip on him. "Now behave or I will make you."

Vinny sulks immediately, bristling but wisely keeping his mouth shut. He'd forgotten how rougher Christopher was, Ghost just yells and shouts but never actually does anything. All bark but no bite.

Christopher is seasoned in raising baby demons, he knows you have to get rough with them.

You sigh a little in relief, cautiously getting back to your feet. You glance over as you see something moving in the corner of your eye. It's your shadow, casually ghosting at your shoulder. You'd felt it move protectively to you, but it's not like it could actually do anything to help at this time. 

It gives you a little comfort feeling it there though.


You jump, startled as you hear a voice right beside you. Your head turns just in time to find a pair of black eyes staring into yours, and your heart skips a couple beats in alarm.

"A dream witch, hmm?" Ghost grins at you, and you realize with a sinking feeling how sharp and pointy his teeth are. You squeak as his hand suddenly curls around your throat, and you definitely don't like it! You immediately attempt to jerk away, but his grip tightens until it's impossible to move without hurting yourself. "I haven't seen your kind in ages."

"No!" Christopher immediately hisses, letting go of Vinny so fast the demon staggers. Christopher moves so quickly not even his own brothers see him, his hand clenching around Ghost's so tightly his hand is immediately numb.  "Let go of her!"

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