Chapter 9

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Aya, Eren and Levi both sat in the brick like building as they gathered around a wooden tables sat on the chairs while Aya head rested on the table while Levi held a cup of tea above the tea cup like he usually does. 

"What's taking so long, Erwin is never this late" Levi complained glaring towards the door while Aya just looked up towards him. 

"At this bloody rate the Mp's are going to show up first" Aya shouted raising her head frustration written all over her face while Levi glanced towards the women.

"Well its difficult taking a shit" Levi stated in a monotone voice while Eren looked towards the man, a uncomfortable laugh escaped from his mouth.

"Your sure talkative today captain" Eren said a nervous expression on his face while he looked towards his captain. 

"So what if I am , doesn't mean I was talking to you" Levi states before he looked over towards the blonde who head rested on her arm while Levi placed his cup down and began to try and get up but groaned in pain. 

"Levi you okay?" Aya questioned hearing the groan while her face was filled with concerned looking up at the man. 

"I'm sorry sir, only if I hadn't made the wrong choice,..... none of this would of happened" Eren states bowing his head in shame while he looked down towards the table. Aya head snapped towards the boy.

"I told you. no-one knows how things will turn out."Levi simple stated while Levi looked away from the boy. Eren turned to see the blonde captain looking at him.

"Eren listen I-" Aya began but stopped as the door was slammed open. All their heads turned towards the door watching as the group walked in. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting" commander Erwin state as he walked in with other people to which Aya recognized to be Armin, Mikasa and Jean.

what the hell?" Eren questioned jumping up from his chair in shock "why are you all here?"Continued to question eyes wide. 

"We believe we have discovered the female titans true identity" Erwin said causing Eren's eye widened while Aya looked up towards the commander, Interest filling her eyes looking towards the group. 

"While passing through Stohess district, on our way to the capital, we will strike. This will be our first and last chance to do so, once on the other side, the government will take custody of Eren and we will have difficulty I ration those bent on destroying the wall," Erwin explained while many nodded and grew concerned 

"We will have to bet everything on the operation" Erwin said looking straight towards Eren afterwards while Aya also turned towards the titan teenager. 

"We will use Eren as bait, to lure the target into this underground passage, deeper the better, if we get her as far down possible we should be able to immobilize her in Titan form, if she transforms before that it's your problem, Eren" Erwin stated while Aya eyes grew concerned towards the boy 

"Yes sir, but are we certain the target will actually be in Stohess?" Eren asked eyes filled with concern as he looked back towards everyone

"Yes. The target is a member of the military police" Erwin simple states while Eren eyes grew wide "Armin identified her" Erwin said "she trained with you in the 104th closet corps" Causing Eren eyes to widen further. 

"So who is it?" Aya questioned eyes filled with concern looking towards the Commander in shock. 

"It's Annie Leonhart" Erwin states causing a gasp to escape from Eren mouth while Aya looked towards him concerned. 

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