The Big Day!!

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  They arrived at a little Chinese place a bit after they talked, Marie was happy to be spending the day with her best friend, it had been too long. Too damn long. However, now that Marie was healing from her accident, she and Luz were able to spend more time together, and it was so very nice. They had a lovely lunch together, and afterwards, Luz dropped Marie off at her house, and then drove off towards her house, Marie walked inside with a big smile on her face, that shortly faded after seeing the look of stress on her son to be husband's face.

 "My love, what is on your mind?" Marie asked.

 "Just ready for this project at my job to be over. Calvin flew out to Atlanta yesterday, to see if we could land this deal. It is a multi-million dollar deal, and it has me on edge." Andre said.

  Marie went over to sit next to him. "Baby, don't get stressed it is all going to work out, I promise." She then kissed her husband, taking his hand into hers....

   Eventually, the day of the wedding had arrived, and Marie couldn't believe how quickly it approached. She had many different emotions she was feeling, mostly nervousness and excitement. Luz picked her up earlier that morning, so she could get ready, and Andre's brother would be stopping by to help him. He too, was excited about the big day!!

  Whenever, they arrived at her house, Luz took Marie into the dressing closet she had, and that is where the hairdresser Ramon was waiting. "Ramon, do you remember how I said her hair needed to be?"

 "Yes girl I remember. You wanted it up, and beautifully curled, also having her bangs frame her face. It is going to be fabulous." Ramon said, happily.

 "Well, alright, you're the professional, lets get going." Marie said, sitting in the chair.

  Smiling, Ramon began to transform Marie's hair into a wonderful masterpiece. It took every bit of 2 hours to get her hair completed, and she was almost in tears, when she saw it. Luckily, her make up hadn't been done yet, so it didn't smudge. Luz was also very happy with the way her best friend's hair looked. It was absolutely perfect. "You look great."

 "Thanks Luz, but I have to give it to Ramon, within two hours I went from hideous, to absolutely beautiful." Marie said.

 "Honey, you are already beautiful, all I did was your hair, which turned out wonderful." Ramon said. "I am ready to do your make up when you are ready. No rush, well, not yet at least."

  Marie, looked at Luz. "Do you have food?"

 "I thought you'd never ask. I just ordered pizza and coke. I figured that you may of wanted to eat before you got ready." Luz said smiling.

 "Well, then, what are you waiting for? Bring it in."

  Smiling, Luz went to go get the pizza, then the three of them, ate before they continued getting ready. This was by far the best day of Marie's life, and it wasn't even over yet. After about a period of 4 more hours, she and Luz were ready, and they headed to the church, arriving 20 minutes before the wedding, giving them enough time to get themselves together. Then before they knew it, the time had arrived.

  Marie waited behind the double doors, as the bridesmaids entered after the flower girl, and once the music started, and the preacher said "Please stand for the bride." Then, as the doors opened, she entered slowly, walking down the isle with the biggest smile on her face, she was absolutely glowing. A vision in that beautiful princess style gown.

  When she reached the altar, the preacher ushered everyone to sit down. Then he began the ceremony. "Dearly beloved we have gathered here together, to join this man, and this woman together in holy matrimony..." He went on with the ceremony, preaching a beautiful sermon about the love they both have for each other. It was absolutely beautiful. After the I do's they kissed afterwards, and headed out to the reception area, where they had the first dance.

  Everything was perfect, and it couldn't have been anymore beautiful than it already was. As they danced Marie said. "I can't wait until we head out for our honeymoon,that is the night I am really looking forward to."

 "Me too baby girl, me too." Andre said.

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