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Yoongi & Jimin conversation

Jimin how is J-Hope he blocked me on Instagram?

No he didn't block you he deleted the app

What y???

Because all of your fans kept texting him talking shit about him, and being really rude, and it made him depressed af

Wait y didn't he talk to me about it

Because he doesn't want to be a 'burden' in your life

But he's not one, I feel connected to him in all sorts of ways, I like him a lot Jimin, he is my sunshine.

Try telling him that but good luck, I only found out because I looked threw his phone while he was in the shower.

Okay thank u, oh and btw Jimin Jungkook likes u a lot

Lol ur welcome
Bye Jimin

Bye Yoongi good luck with J-Hope

Thank u

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