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"I'd totally slut shame you if you weren't my best friend and if he wasn't one of the hottest people I've ever seen." Jungkook said, earning a slap on the shoulder from Jimin. Blood rushed to his cheeks, embarrassed that he set up dick appointments with his best friend over his shoulder. "Cheer up, I'm happy for you. If only Taehyung would pay me to fuck him." Jungkook said with a laugh and an exaggerated sigh. Jimin's eyes scanned over the screen as his fingers clicked on the keyboard. Messages were popping up left and right from his current conversation. It was nothing important, only setting up plans for their first endeavor.

"Kook, he wants to take me to a fancy restaurant in two hours. How am I gonna find what to wear in two hours?" Jimin asked, his hands running through his cotton candy hair as a sigh left his bubblegum lips.

"You can borrow something of mine. Dig through my closet." Jungkook said, and Jimin obeyed. Jimin wasn't sure how fancy was too fancy, so he settled for a black button up and black khakis. He looked at himself in the mirror, pushing his soft pink hair back, exposing his forehead. His hair wouldn't fall just right, so he pushed it down and put it back up until it was perfect. After his hair was placed nicely, he took a look down at the watch on his wrist. 45 minutes to go. He slid on his shoes before pulling Jungkook with him, out the door and towards the car before making their way towards their destination.

"Kookie what if he kills me?" Jimin asked with worry evident in his tone. Online dating was a territory he never went in to, and right now he's deep in that territory. So far deep that he's fucking a stranger for some cash. The upside is that his sugar daddy, Hoseok, is good looking. Downside? He doesn't know who Hoseok is.

"Have you seen him? I'd pay him to kill me." Jungkook said, causing Jimin to roll his eyes.

"Stop hitting on my sugar daddy before I tell Taehyung you're being a thot." Jimin said, pushing the wrinkles from his shirt as he watched the restaurant grow closer.

"You're the one having sex with a stranger for money. Who's the thot here?" Jungkook laughed as Jimin sighed in defeat. He rolled his eyes and looked to the right, laying his head on the glass window as he watched headlights from passing cars zip past him. Before he knew it, 25 minutes later he arrived at the restaurant he was going to meet Hoseok in. Jimin opened his phone and texted the number he was given to alert his sugar daddy that he was here and what type of car he arrived in. Moments later, he saw him. He saw Hoseok walking towards his car. It's almost as if the street lights were made for him, how they perfectly lit up his features from above. His skin glowed under the intense lighting, his skin looked so soft, so flawless.

"Good luck." Jungkook said, snapping Jimin out of the trance he was in. Jimin smiled at his best friend before opening the car door and hopping out, walking towards Hoseok. Jimin opened his arms for a hug, but Hoseok had taken a more respectful approach of holding his hand out to shake with Jimin's. A blush grew on Jimin's cheeks, duh Jimin, he's an adult. Of course he shakes hands, all respectful adults do. Jimin muttered a quick 'Sorry' under his breath before locking his small hand in Hoseok's big hand, his grip firm. Hoseok laughed, showing his teeth in a smile Jimin would never forget. Seconds later, Jimin felt the older mans arms around him which caught him off guard. Once Jimin realized what was happening, he hugged back.

"Don't be sorry darling, you're cute." Hoseok said in an attractive voice. Jimin's heart nearly pounded from his chest because of they cutesy nickname given to him from the attractive male. He took note of the scent of Hoseok. He smelt like a warm cinnamon, something that reminded Jimin of his favorite season, Autumn. It made him think of Halloween, pumpkin pies and chilly nights, some of his favorite things. Hoseok pulled away from the hug, giving Jimin a smile before placing his large hand on the small of the younger boys back, ushering him towards the restaurant. He called the reservations he had made for them before the waitress pulled them towards a corner booth. They piled into the dimly lit corner and ordered their food and drinks.

"Okay, real talk. If you're really down for all of this we have to talk and set boundaries." Hoseok said in a low tone after the waitress took their orders. The sudden question made Jimin blush, he wasn't expecting to be asked so early. Jimin nodded, alerting Hoseok to go on.

"Alright, so as we agreed, sexual favors for money. Win win. But, how far are you willing to go during sex?" Hoseok asked and the blush grew stronger on Jimin's red cheeks. Talking about sex always made him flustered, so talking about sex with an attractive rich man only made that worse. Too embarrassed to say words, he cocked his head in confusion.

"Like, what are you into? What are you not into? What are we allowed to do is what I'm asking." Hoseok asked with a confidence that confused Jimin.

"I'm willing to try anything once." Jimin said in a false confidence, trying to mirror Hoseok. Jimin's words made him smile.

"Good to hear. Hello, Jimin. Are you free tonight?" Hoseok's question made Jimin's stomach drop with excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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