chapter 6

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the fact that Louis was probably going to die became blindingly obvious

when he heard the barn door swing open and didn't hear liam call out that it was just him like he usually does Louis definatly knew something was wrong. Ashton turned and gave him a panicked look and Luke sat up, Louis was the first to come out from around the door and see who the intruder was. his mind blanked for a second 


"i told you i would find you Louis"

Louis ran up to harry and crashed into him with a hug, no matter how angry he was he wasn't going to let it ruin this moment, Louis knew from the letter that what he had done was killing harry and he knew it was his fault, he made stupid choices and he wasn't the only one. Louis was mad, but harry needed him right now and had gone through all hell to find him, he had to be there for him right now.

"come on, we have to leave now"

"TOMLINSON!"  Louis was brought out of his daydream by a loud voice and he instantly paid attention

"ahhhh welcome back to planet earth!" the person yelled and louis's senses cleared up enough to be able to recognize the person, zayn.

"sorry.." Louis mumbled

"whatever, just checking you guys are ok down here?" Zayn asked

"Bullshit" Luke hissed

"you're right Lucas! i could not care less! i am having a small get together tonight and i want you all to be well behaved, you will be moved off the property in a few hours and will stay there for a few weeks while, with some people. understand?" 

"Yeah" Ashton mumbled 

"Fantastic, Liam will be here soon and i suggest you coordinate" Zayn said and strolled out of the barn, shutting and locking the door behind him

"a new place? can't be much worse right?" Ashton said hopefully

Luke Scoffed and Louis sighed. Liam came o collect us aroud an hour later and we where tied up and put in the back of a van with the windows covered so we couldnt see where he was taking us. when we arrived to the place Louis was pleastantly surprised. it was a house

a 2 story old looking house in the middle of nowhere. As we pulled up to the fence the hopes of it being ok faded, the fence was abround 4 meters high, had barbed wire all over it and by looking at the signs it was obvious it was electric, the property was a huge cage. Liam stopped at the gate and they all got out

"Right, this is your new home and i can say so myself you're lucky, the house is all yours and you're free to go in and out as you please, supplies wil be dropped here by me every week, the house has full power and hot water so you can shower and stuff. But dont get comfortable cause i doubt you'll have tis luxury for long, sorry. The fence is so powered up that if you touch it for a half a sexond you'll be fried practically instentaniously, so dont even try. Questions?" Liam explained 

We all stayed silent

"Great" Liam said and untied us, opened the gate and let us in then shut it and flicked a swich that must have made the fence electrical 

"Louis, right down the bacl of the fence theres an old post box, if you have anything to write to harry put it in there and i'll have it delivered, but be smart about what you say ok? for the sake of his....and" LIam whispered and Ashton and Luke grabbed the supplys and made there way up to the house

"Thanks" Louis mumbled and Watched as Liam drove away, then Jogged up to the house and walked in, it was nice but plain, average but way better then the barn.

"Lou, your rooms upstars at the end of the hall, Im next door and Luke's across the hall" Ashton explained and smiled

"Great" Louis said and attempted to smile back as Ashton walked away

"Well, home sweet home"

>> hello! how is everyone goinggggggg? just thought i'd update before i go to work so yeah here ya go! some shit goes down soon so be prepared for that


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