Part 2

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Months went by and Drew and I were still happily together. Drew decided on a college in town to stay close and I continued on with my high school career. Nothing had changed between us. If anything, we became closer and fell more in love each day. It was the last day of summer and all Drew wanted to do was to spend it with me.

"What should we do for our last day of summer, Elle?"

"No idea. Maybe swimming at the lake?"

"Sounds like a plan."

We packed a picnic and the car with all the essentials for the lake. I grabbed my favorite CDs and snacks and then we were on the road. I haven't really done much driving since the accident. I didn't see why I needed to drive when I did not have a car. After an hour of driving, we had reached the lake. It was a warm day out. The temperature had to be approaching 95 degrees. After unpacking, I sat down on the sand and looked at the lake. The lake was very blue. The water was shimmering in the distance. I sat there staring at the lake in my own little world for what seemed like hours.

"What are you thinking about Elle?" It took me a moment to realize that he had asked me a question.

"Um, honestly nothing. I am just enjoying the view."

"Did you forget that I know when you are deep in thought? It's not like I haven't known you for a million years or anything?"

"Fine. I was thinking about everything we have been through in the last year. We went from best friends to dating in what feels like seconds. I am not saying that any of this is bad. I am just reflecting."

I could tell he understood what I was saying by the look he was giving me. We sat and talked on the side of the lake for a majority of the day. Eventually, I found myself swimming and occasionally splashing Drew in the face. It felt like the day went by in a heartbeat. We packed up all of our gear and headed back in town. The car ride home consisted of lots of talking and singing at the top of our lungs.

We arrived at my house to find my mother preparing dinner and my father setting the table. I noticed that the table was set for four instead of the usual three. I knew the fourth set was for Drew. My main concern was why is he having dinner with us? Dinner with my parents was not a normal thing. I looked at Drew and he looked at me with a look almost as confused as mine. We both shrugged and continued into the house. "Look who's home, Honey." My mother turned around and instantly smiled.
"I'm glad you're home Ellie Marie. Oh and welcome to our home, Drew. It seems like it's been forever since you've been here." We all laughed together and began to sit down to eat. My parents made spaghetti with homemade garlic bread for dinner. The four of us ate our dinners and talked about the summer and plans for the fall. After dinner, we all sat on the couch and began to watch a movie. In the middle, my father stopped the movie and looked at Drew and me.

"There is a reason why we spontaneously decided to have Drew over for dinner," he said.

I stopped and looked at my father and then my mother. And then I looked at Drew who looked even more concerned than I did.

My mother hesitated and then began to speak.

"We want you to consider a college in a different state."

I started to ask a million questions. I could tell Drew was upset and had no words to say.

"Ellie, your father got a job out of state. We are moving at the end of the year. That's why we want you to consider out of state college. We want you to consider a college in the new town that we will be living in. I know that's not what you want. But, we won't be able to afford out of state tuition if you came back here. So when we move it will be in state tuition for you."

I sat there in silence. Within seconds I felt tears rush down my face. I ran into my room and slammed the door because I knew that I was going to be sobbing. The tears rushed down my face as I slammed myself into my bed. So many thoughts ran through my head. I could not understand why all of a sudden we were picking up and moving when my life was here. Our life was here... Minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I immediately yelled, "go away!" Next thing I knew Drew was laying on my bed with me. He grabbed me and pulled me close as I continued to cry. We laid there in silence for the rest of the hour. Neither of us wanted to talk about what we were just told. We did not want to think about the possibility of us being apart. We just wanted to cuddle and forget all the bad that is going on.

Months went on and we learned to accept that I was moving away. The subject was a touchy subject that was avoided majority of the time. If our parents brought it up, we shot it down instantly. Drew and I spent everyday together up until the moving day. We took as many pictures are we could to have the memories. I knew I would see him as much as I possibly could, but I knew that this was going to hurt. Finally, moving day was here. I woke up that morning with tears in my eyes. I did not want to get out of bed and start the day. Within minutes of me waking up, the doorbell rang. I knew it had to have been Drew coming to help move. He came up the stairs and into my room to find me in bed.

"Get up lazy bones," he said.

"Nope. You can't make me!"

He walked over and pulled me out of bed and onto the floor. I immediately started laughing. Drew stopped and stared directly into my eyes. I could see his smile slowly turning into a frown. He was realizing what will happen at the end of the day today. I went in and gave him a giant hug. I squeezed him like I was never going to let go. I never wanted to let go. After hours of packing the end of the day had come. My parents loaded up into the car and began to get settled for the drive. I stopped in my tracks. I could not keep going. Drew hugged me and pushed me to go. I couldn't do it. I could not leave my life here. I couldn't leave Drew.

"I know you don't want to leave Ellie, but you have to. We will figure this out. For right now I need you to get in the truck."

He was right. I hugged him one last time and slowly got in the truck. I stared at Drew through the window and mouthed "I love you." He looked back at me and mouthed "I love you." As we began to drive away, I began to cry. I knew that this was the last time for awhile that I would be at home.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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