Chapter 01

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A blaring noise slowly awoke me from my restless slumber. I stared blearily at the clocks glowing numbers and slammed a hand down to end the beeping. I fell back down onto my pillow before being woke up again, seemingly seconds later, but actually ten minutes had passed. I groaned, school times were horrendous. In the summer I slept for at least three hours longer than this. Five a.m? That should be a crime! I pushed myself out of bed, yawning the entire time. I groggily stumble into the bathroom and mentally glare at the dark circles that had already appeared under my eyes. I silently considered faking an illness to get out of going to school, but I really didn't feel like missing class, only to have hours of make up work. Also, I could finally call myself a junior and get my friend Cali to stop teasing me about being an underclassman.

I washed my face quickly and walked back to my bedroom, slightly more awake. I threw on an outfit I had laid out the night before, knowing that if I had picked this morning it would have taken hours. I went back to the bathroom and brushed my hair, before pulling it back in two french braids. I pulled a small locket out of my jewelry box and put it on. It was a gorgeous blue orb that my mom got for me when I turned ten and I had worn it almost every day since. I put on a little makeup, mostly just concealer to cover any acne. I plodded down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen, where I could already smell something cooking.

Dad is already downstairs, back to me, frying pan in hand.

"Morning sweetie." He calls out cheerfully.

"Good morning, dad." I reply and smile over at him.

"I'm making pancakes, so I hope your hungry." Dad said, eyeing the fluffy blueberry pancakes, my favorite.

I grab the plate that he sets out and drench the pancakes in maple syrup. Dad always made breakfast on special occasions, although I wish he did more often since it was so delicious. I ate quickly because I only had about 10 minutes left until Jess came to pick me up. Since Jess was held back a year she was one of my few friends who already had their license. I finished eating and packed myself a lunch. I heard a loud beep and started shoving all my binders into my backpack. I heard the beep again and quickly jogged over to dad's office, where he was already immersed in his paperwork.

"I'm leaving now, Jess just got here." I leaned over the desk and gave him a hug.

"Okay. Your mom just sent me a text saying she's going to be getting home Friday night." Dad said.

"Okay that's really great news, she's already been gone for, like, four days now on business." I replied happily. "Well I gotta go now, dad."

I waved goodbye to my dad before running out the red door I had become so used to after all these years. I looked back at the house one more time before Jess beeped again. I hurried over and pulled myself in passenger side. Jess looked over and glared at me.

"What?" I asked exasperatedly.

"My god, Laila Rayne, if we are late on the first day of school I will be blaming you!" Jess huffed.

"Jessamine, I was only a few minutes late, it's not the end of the world." I shot back in the same tone. "Plus, it was just because my dad wanted me know that my mom is coming home this weekend."

"Your mom works so much, Laila. I don't know how you deal with it." Jess marveled, my supposed lateness already behind her.

I nodded, but didn't answer. I was used to it by now, and Jess got that. My moms job required her to be away a lot and I don't really see her that much any more. Most weeks she'd be home for two or three days before leaving again. It was just a normal thing in my household, I guess.

We pulled up to Leighton High about fifteen minutes later and I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't say anything to Jess about the fact that we were nowhere near late. We found a decent parking spot and got out of the car. A feeling of absolute dread filled my stomach and I glanced around in confusion. After scanning the slightly crowded parking lot I deemed the feeling as 'first day nerves' and pushed it aside.
I stretched my arms slowly, shuddering when I thought of classes and homework and everything else that came along with school.

Little did I know that when I stepped out of that car my life would get even more complicated than it already was.

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