I ignore you

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I ignore you.
I ignore you but I'm the one judging.
Yeah, you judge people.
But you don't hate anybody.

Anybody but me.
You kept saying I was the only one that loved you.

I ignore you.
I ignored you cause you judged.
You judged people,
Called them "different". Why different?
They're the same as you.

I ignore you.
I ignore you cause you made me cry.
You hurt me. With words.
Words hurt, you know?

I ignore you.
I ignore you, but it's my fault.
My fault you nearly killed yourself and those people.

Stop thinking about me.
Stop, so you can concentrate.

I ignore you.
But your hands were shaking,
You were scared.
And I wasn't there for you.
You needed to breathe.
And I wasn't there to help you.

I ignore you.
But I'm in the wrong.
You were by my side my whole life,
By my side to help me through anything.

I ignore you.
But inside I love you.
I really love you.
I say I hate you,
But I lie. I lie everyday and night.

I ignore you.
But you don't know that,
You mean so much to me.
I love you,


I dreamt about him, coming home and hugging me.. I miss him.

Anyway hopefully you have a nice day I'm always here to talk, I love you guys so mUUUUUch ~♡♡♡♡

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