I ignore you.
I ignore you but I'm the one judging.
Yeah, you judge people.
But you don't hate anybody.Anybody but me.
You kept saying I was the only one that loved you.I ignore you.
I ignored you cause you judged.
You judged people,
Called them "different". Why different?
They're the same as you.
Humans.I ignore you.
I ignore you cause you made me cry.
You hurt me. With words.
Words hurt, you know?I ignore you.
I ignore you, but it's my fault.
My fault you nearly killed yourself and those people.Stop thinking about me.
Stop, so you can concentrate.I ignore you.
But your hands were shaking,
You were scared.
And I wasn't there for you.
You needed to breathe.
And I wasn't there to help you.I ignore you.
But I'm in the wrong.
You were by my side my whole life,
By my side to help me through anything.I ignore you.
But inside I love you.
I really love you.
I say I hate you,
But I lie. I lie everyday and night.I ignore you.
But you don't know that,
You mean so much to me.
I love you,
I dreamt about him, coming home and hugging me.. I miss him.
Anyway hopefully you have a nice day I'm always here to talk, I love you guys so mUUUUUch ~♡♡♡♡

(●•Sad Poems•●)
PoetryJust some sad poems I feel like writing when I'm sad. Not all of them are sad, but most are. All of this is from past experiences, all the pictures are taken by me👏👏 lmao I'm "So good" at taking pictures.