Light In His Darkness CH7

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7⃣Light in his Darkness

Kris stretched his aching fingerss as he twisted his torso to see the bruise coming up on his shoulder. He'd never broken a door open before and if he'd had time to think about the consequences to his own body, he may have thought twice.

But there hadn't been time to think.

Adam was in trouble on the other side and Kris needed to get to him.

Stepping back from the bathroom mirror, he peered into the other room. Adam was curled on his side atop Kris' bed, a box of tissues clutched to his chest, a bottle of water on the nightstand and a garbage can within reach in case his stomach rolled again. Kris slipped his shirt on and changed into dry pants before shutting off the light and moving quietly towards his desk to make a report.

"You don't have to tip toe ... I'm awake," a soft voice exclaimed.

"Right ... I though for sure you'd be asleep. You must be exhausted," Kris replied, taking a seat.

"I'm beyond tired but I don't think I'll ever sleep again."

"You will."

"I won't if I'm going to keep dreaming like that."

Kris set his paperwork aside and turned towards the other man.

"Talking about it would help."

"You sound like my shrink."

"I don't have a diploma from Dr. Phil U. but I've got two ears and one strong shoulder to lean on. Give it a shot."

Kris didn't say another word. The offer had been made ... it was up to Adam to accept it.

Moments passed, Kris' eyes watching the man chew on those tempting freckled lips as he made up his mind. Gradually, Adam moved until he was sitting on the edge of the bed. He set the box of tissue down but pulled one out and started twisting it as he opened up.

"When ... when I woke up in the hospital ... I didn't remember what happened. The last thing I knew was walking across the set towards the camera when everything stopped ... like someone pulled the plug on a movie. I heard voices around me ... talking to me ... words like 'coma' ... 'head injury' ... 'neck fracture' ... I was so out of, it didn't occur to me that my eyelids were open but everything was black." The twisting of the tissue intensified, his face turned towards Kris. "I ... I guess I was just so overwhelmed ... in so much pain ... when I finally realized I was b ... blind ... I went numb. The doctors, my family, my friends ... they all tried to help ... telling me at least I was alive. As far as I was concerned, my life was over."

"Do you still feel that way?"

"Yes ... no," Adam shrugged, balling the twisted cord in his hand, "nothings been the same. Nothing is ever going to be the same. Everything I've known is gone."

"Adam ...."

"It's true Kris. Since I was a kid, all I wanted to do was perform." Anger started piercing his words. "I can't perform like this!"

"Yes, you can. There are others who...."

"I know all about other blind performers. And I know all about me!" He pounded his chest with an open hand. "I only know one way to perform. I thrive off the audience ... SEEING them! The music flows through me ... I need to dance ... I can't be static! If I move, I'm going to fall off the damn stage!"

Adam stood and stumbled over his own feet as that need to move coursed through him. Kris reached out to steady him and Adam jerked away, moving towards the middle of the room on his own.

Light In His Darkness (Kradam)Where stories live. Discover now