Chapter 1: Last Night

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A black haired teen woke up from her slumber, despite the aching of her back she still refused to open her eyes and just got back to sleep. But as soon as she felt the presence of another person beside her she then became startled and finally decided to get up. Her eyes widened as she saw right before her eyes a clear and explicit view of a blond guy, for a moment she struggled to breathe as she tried to process all of this in her mind. She couldn't stand the thought of her sleeping with her best friend even if she's secretly in love with him. She quickly looked for her clothes and tried her best to hide her feminine traits as soon as possible, she's lucky that the car that they were in is parked in a very secluded place. She can't possibly imagine the embarassment she would feel if someone saw them bare naked together. She rushed to exit the car and immediately left the place, as she walked further she tried to recall what happened last night.

Flashback: Last Night

"Sasuke!" a voice called from behind.

Sasuke turned around to see a grinning blonde catching up to her, "Hey Naruto."

"Going to the party eh?" the blond placed his arm on her shoulder.

"What's it looks like I'm doing?"

"I don't know, wandering the streets?"

The raven rolled her eyes in response, "Says the one who got up till dawn just to see the sprinklers turn on."

"Well you..."


"Uhh..." he couldn't think of a trashtalk he could use against the raven.

"That's what I thought."

"Wait! I'll think of something."

"And while you're at it please keep quiet."

Naruto just pouted as he tried remembering embarassing moments of the raven. He was focused in remembering that he didn't realize that they were already in front of the house.

"We're here," Sasuke called his attention.

"Huh?" he looked up only to see the welcoming party lights in front of him, "Oh."

"Come on, let's meet with the gang." she grabbed the blonde by the wrist as she rushed to enter the house.

As soon as she opened the door they were both caught in surprise by the huge crowds of people inside, they weren't expecting this much people in Gaara's party. The last time they remembered him hosting a party there were only fifteen guests and half of them were just comrades of his father.

They quickly heard there friends calling them and immediately met up with them.

"Hey guys," the blonde greeted as they sat down. He immediately notices the absence of Sakura so he asks, " Wait, Sakura isn't around?"

"Unfortunately," Shikamaru plainly answered.

"How come?"

"Well for one she was banned to hang with us for what happened yesterday because SOMEONE forced her to drink Beer," Ino's stare is directly pointing at Kiba.

"What? We were playing Truth or Dare, it's not my fault she chose Dare."

"So out of all the things you could've made her do you chose drinking Beer? You know very well she's Alcohol Intolerant!"

"I'm sorry okay? It's not like it killed her or something. I mean she was willing to do it anyway in exchange for Sasuke's shirt," this statement of Kiba startled Sasuke.

"Well thanks to you her parents doesn't even want us to be near her anymore."

"Okay stop it you two, let's just enjoy the night alright?" Naruto tried to end the arguement.

"Ugh whatever," Ino crossed her arms.

"I still can't believe Gaara's house has it's own bar," the raven tried to change the topic.

"I know right! Maybe I'll marry him one day," Ino giggled.

'Umm did her mood just change that fast? Geez moodswings really hit her hard.' Sasuke thought as she kept a poker face.

"I agree," Sai on the other hand only managed to fake a smile as the remaining feeling he has left for the blond girl had withered away.

"Hey don't forget that we also own this place," Temari and Kankuro abruptly appeared in front of them.

"Shikamaru is triggered," Ino smirked.


"Oh don't even try denying it, it's so obvious that you two are madly in love for each other."

"Oh shut up," Temari shot glares at her.

"So where's Gaara?" Naruto asked.

"Oh he's just busy talking with the adults. You know him, acting so mature and stuff."

After that the table was in complete silence, it wasn't long when the loud music transitioned into a smooth and slow genre that took over the group's attention. The atmosphere began to calm down and the vibe slowly became infectious as one by one people began asking each other out for a dance.

"Temari?" Shikamaru called her name as each other's eyes began to meet. He began sheepishly scratching the back of his neck, "Um-can I have this dance with you?"

Temari was dumbfounded for a moment before she nodded her head and started dancing with him.

"Come on Sai let's dance too," Ino took hold of his hand and dragged them both into the dance floor.

"Y'all aren't gonna join in?" Naruto took a glimpse of the others.

"Nah I'm enjoying my date here with my food," Choji took a big bite of his sandwich.

"Well now that you mentioned it..." Kiba hesitated for a moment. "Hinata? If it's okay can I dance with you?"


As the two went on the dancefloor Hinata was tempted to look back at Naruto, the blonde on the other hand just gave her a big thumbs up.

"So we're the only ones left huh?" Sasuke mentioned.

"Not for long," the blonde stood up and began searching for some chick he could get his hands on. He spotted a black-haired girl whose with her lady friends drinking.

The raven witnessed how her secret crush approached the group of girls and just dancing with one of them. She knew that if she kept on hiding her true self from everybody especially the blonde then eventually she'll be too late, but she couldn't just risk her whole persona be extinguished by some petty feeling for Naruto. Her own safety is much more important than her true identity.

Though she kept on repeating this in her mind, her consistent drinking of liquor began taking over her mind and eventually the effect of alcohol started to kick in.

"Uh, are you okay?" Shino asked the very drunk raven.

"I'm fine," the raven spoke in an angry tone like she was ready to wreak havoc.

"You sure? 'Cause you kind of already drank a lot."

"I said I'm fine!" she glimpsed at Naruto and the girl, she saw how the blonde's hands were placed on the girl's waist. This in return angered her even more and so she sluggishly got off her seat and walked her way up to them. "Move you asshole!" she shoved the girl away.

Naruto's eyes widened as he saw how the raven did to the girl, "Why-"

"Shut up! Ignore that bitch and just dance with me," she agressively clinged on to him.


End of Flashback

Sasuke couldn't make out what happened next but she blushed at the thought of her getting jealous but what she's more worried at the moment though is that if someone saw her besides the blonde, she'd be in such a lot of trouble if someone knew about her secret.

'I need to make up a story, I can't let Naruto know.'


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