Chapter 22: Fourth July Surprise :)

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Ross p.o.v.

I was ready for fourth of July! Me and Laura spend the entire morning buying fireworks for all of us to light up in the night, its 6:29 right now.

"Hey what type of fireworks are we gonna light up," My girlfriend Laura said, yep we are dating again😍, "i was thinking we light big fireworks and for the kids sprinkler!" I yelled in excitement and started jumping up and down like a little kid.

Laura laugh she tiled her head back and left out a heartily laugh, that what I love about her, we heard firework crack in distance, man can't they wait until it at night?

We both went back to the house with a brown box , yes we spent almost the entire day buying fireworks, "hey kids guess what we brought." The kids came running down, earner to see what we brought.

"Cool you brought fireworks, awesomeness parent ever!" Shouted Billy grabbing a sprinkler set from the brown box. "Awesome!" Smiled Kelli, my daughter, grabbing a set ground Blown Flower (yes that a really a firework i know cause I'm going to light two tonight 😁)

"Can't wait to light the firework tonight!," i Jump up and down again, this time Billy joining me, squealing loudly like me.

"Like Father like son," Laura shook her head, smiling at our excitement

"Mmm" Kelli said, nodding her head in agreement with Laura

"Naha!" Both me and Billy retorted at the same time making Laura and Kelli laugh until they almost were in tears of laughter.

Billy glance at me, i know what he thinking cause I'm thinking the same thing, I gave him a nod, signaling i got his plans, while the girls were laughing their butts off we got toe bucket fill with water. 😈

We crept behind them, they were still laughing not noticing we weren't there anymore, I gave Billy the signal.

On...1......2......3! Go!

We pour the water over their heads making them gasp. Uh-oh. We better run. I started running with Billy behind me.

The girls were hot on our heels we were practically running for our life. Eventually the girls caught us. Ugg, hate it when the girls are faster than boys. "Caught ya," both girl said making it creepy.

What did we got ourselves into? I wondered.

"What should we do about them?" Ask Laura with a evil smirk across her face. Kelli face was the same. Like mom like daughter, i though sarcastically. "We should make..." she was caught off by a loud firework.

The girls look up, giving us time to escape. Billy had the same thought, man we do think the same. We ran to the house.

Big Mistake.

The girls caught us in no time. They pin us on the couches. The girl atop and us boys struggling at the bottom.

I thought boys were suppose to be stronger and smarter than girls? Guess not?

"Say your sorry," and Billy did the smartness thing. "How 'bout this?" He loosed Kelli grip enough for he can give Kelli a kiss. Which he did.

So I did the same

I loosened myself enough so I can give Laura a sorry kiss. "Well play boys," the girl smirk down at us, finally they got off us.

"So when are we gotta light up the fireworks?" Kelli said. Wrapping her arms around Billy's neck. I check my watch it says 8:00 and it was getting dark. "Maybe now." I said.

Another big mistake

We all went outside, the sun was setting and it was getting dark and already can you see the firework light the sky, we set the brown box infront of us.

That when it all went wrong

It was 10:00 at night and i still have one big firework to light. I lighted up when a black car pass, and the firework took off. Only problem is the firework wasn't pointing up skyward.


Yeah this is defiantly an uh-oh moment

The firework went to the car, on accident of course, we all gasp as the car blew up.


"Oops," i muttered as Laura glare at me. "What?" I ask, putting my arms up in defeat. She sigh and watch as the firework flame starts catching the front neighbor lawn on fire. Again oops.

Billy and Kelli were wide eyed as they watched the scene. We all went inside the house before they realize it was us, or me, that did that.

Well that the end of our first fourth July as a family. And it ruined by me, way to go Ross! I told myself.

A/n: aww rossy don't blame yourself 😁 anyways please comment what you think every comment and vote are wonderful! Just wanted to say check out my other story and please vote can't believe a lot of people are reading this 😆 luv u guys and Happy Fourth of July 😁😎 till next update my Reader!!! 😏

~Ruby signing out 😎

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