Chapter 1

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Warning: I will break the fourth wall (if that is the correct term). XD

Detours Are Half-Bad and Half-Good

Lorren Gantis. Your average 17 year old high school kid with a part-time job to sustain his daily wage. Though he honestly looks like your typical emo, his way of talking says otherwise. One could say he is an outgoing kid when they talk to him on the phone.

He got his looks from both his mother and his father. His messy brown hair, dark blue eyes and nose are from his father. His pale skin, lips and average stature from his mother.

Lorren, being a guy who stuck to a schedule, pretty much memorized his daily routine. Wake up, warm up, jog, cook, eat, shower, brush teeth, put on clothes, get lunch ready, grab bag, go to school, study/answer quizzes, lunch, study/answer quizzes, clean up, visit the library to tutor his friends, go to his part-time job as a waiter (which surprisingly pays well) then go home and prepare to go to sleep after he finishes all other necessary things.

But tonight, he had to tweak his daily routine a little.

Lorren took a detour on his way home. His usual route - one that took only fifteen minutes walk from his part-time job - is blocked by polices, saying that there was a series of murders that occured nearby. He's not scared of the murderer though. No, he honestly wanted to meet the guy. Problem is, he had to get home sooner to prepare for the coming storm tonight and also finish his report about chemistry.

So with that said, he took the next shortest route home, which is a 30 minutes walk. 23 minutes if he runs. There isn't a single person around but himself. Maybe the few evacuated to escape from the murderer or others are tightly locked inside their own homes. Well, he would be honored to meet the guy himself. Heck, maybe he'll even let the guy carve his autograph on his back - which won't really be a problem since Lorren has an inability to feel pain.

But the idea of running to reach his home is not a good idea when he turned to a blind curve only to be greeted by muddy and moldy pavement, distracting him from his...disturbing imagination. "Ugh, why muddy pavements!? Just...why?" he grumbled as he nearly skidded to the next street. "Where's friction when I need it?" he exasperatedly exclaimed but went on running, roughly avoiding the slippery parts but he still managed to make it out in one piece with a few scratches he got from bumping into the walls. Nothing big actually.

"I should really get home," he murmured as he checked the time. He spent good seven minutes in there. Not wasting any more seconds, he ran the remaining distance to his home.

When he turned around the final corner which leads to an alleyway, he tripped into something...or someone. Out of habit, he muttered "Ow," but did not bother rubbing his nose. He just patted the dirt away from his face. "Aw. Now I got some dirt into my scratches. I should really really get home," he said as he stood up with a disappointed frown. My favorite jacket is now soiled too, he thought but just dismissed it. Instead, he looked at what his feet to see what he tripped on.

When he squinted, he saw...

A leg?

What came to his thoughts? "Could it be that the murderer is this guy!?" he thought with sparkles and stars littering around him. You could practically see the shimmering light on the background. "Is it a bulky guy that uses a chainsaw? Or a  woman drenched in blood? A clown with an axe? A mime with a syringe?" he asked himself. Something disturbing to hear from the sanest person in his class.

When he peeked though, he did not see a bulky guy nor a woman nor a clown nor a mime. He saw a boy. Well, at least he made out a silhouette of a boy. With the help of his trusty cellphone, he turned the torchlight on and pointed it to the stranger's face. Now he saw light tanned skin with blond hair whose cheeks are stained with tears. On the stranger's embrace was a younger boy. The younger one had almost the same shade of blond hair as the older one and had a lighter shade of tan. "Oh, just two boys," he sighed.

He observed the two for a little while. Both are wearing green tank tops. The older one had loose pants while the younger have knee-length pants.

When Lorren stood up, he heard the boy whine. "Dad doesn't love us anymore," the stranger mumbled. Lorren barely understood it if he did not have the ears of a dog. More tears trickled down older stranger's already tear-stained face. What would 16 year old Lorren Gantis do? Well, he - unexpectedly - slapped the stranger's face with enough force to wake him up but not enough to leave a bruise. Well, there is a glowing red on the boy's cheek however. "What the--!?"

"Look here," Lorren called out. Startled and confused, the boy looked up to see Lorren looking at him disapprovingly. "You'll get a cold if you don't get yourselves to a warm place. There'll be a storm tonight," Lorren warned and pulled out a towel.

Don't ask where he got the towel from. The author just provided it on a whim. Wait, change scene. Take two...

"You'll get a cold if you don't get yourselves into a warm place. There'll be a storm tonight," Lorren said and pointed at them. The older one stubbornly shook his head. "We'll be fine with ourselves thanks," he stubbornly added as he fixed the younger one in his arms. Lorren just hummed and nodded.

Lorren left the two on their own, much to the older stranger, Micheal's, shock.


Micheal snapped out of his shock when a huge towel came flying his way and a beach umbrella also flew to his side, its pointed tip two inches deep in the ground. "Wha--!?"

When Micheal looked back at the direction from where those things came from, he saw the teenager who left them earlier. "I'll join you."

After the teenager Michael encountered set up the whole place into something more habitable, the trio sat in silence. Not one would make a move, which is awkward. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to ask why in the world would a stranger go through the trouble, Michael spoke up to the slightly shorter teenager. "Mister, why are yo--?" Micheal asked.

"Oh come on dude. We're in the 21st Century. Call me pal, buddy, big bro, bro or just say hey. Geez, I'm not that old to be called a mister," the other grumbled. Despite the grumbling, the guy still had the perfect blank facade on his face. This didn't help Michael though. No. Micheal feels even more awkward now. Seeing the boy's tense state, Lorren introduced himself. "I'm Lorren Gantis by the way."

Michael uneasiness faded lightly as he looks like he relaxed his shoulders. Lorren had to congratulate himself later for easing the kid down. "Call me Lorry. It eases me when people call me that," Lorren insisted. "Okay Lorry..." Micheal said as his voice trailed away.

How could he not? Lorren looks dazzlingly adorable in his pajamas!

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