Chapter 3

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I made a mistake minna.... In the story description, I mentioned that Lorren is 16. But in the first chapter, I mentioned he is 17.

Lorren is 16. Sorry for the confusion. *bows*

Fever!? And did someone say Korean Barbecue!?!

The night should've been perfect for the three. Well, that was until Joshua suddenly had a high fever. "Oh potatoes and cheese! You're burning!" Lorren exclaimed as he touched Joshua's forehead. Without any more thoughts, he dashed outside to only meet a heavy downpour. But, who cares!? He needs to get medicine. RIGHT AWAY.


When he entered his house dripping wet with rain, he didn't bother pulling his squeaky wet shoes off. He just dashed to his first aid kit - he has one for a reason - and grabbed the medicines he needs. He then got a bottle of water and a soft cloth.

Safely tucking the things in a plastic container, he stuffed it into under his shirt and grabbed an umbrella.

As soon as he returned, he immediately passed the medicine and bottle of water to Joshua, who drank it gratefully. "We should get you inside, quick. Get your things," Lorren said and ushered the two. Joshua nodded weakly as Micheal grabbed him and their bag, which only holds toiletries, a book about Peter Pan and also Joshua's favorite teddy bear.

Looking out, Lorren carefully pulled out the two under the umbrella. He opened another umbrella and kept the others under its safety, not even minding that the rain is soaking him to who knows how long. Not even the rain can stop him from makkng sure that the other two are okay.

When they finally arrived his house's entrance, Lorren immediately asked Micheal if he can cook soup, which Micheal nodded. "Prepare some warm soup for Joshua. There are ingredients in the fridge and the microwave oven is somewhere near the kitchen sink," Lorren carefully instructed as soon as they got inside.

Micheal nodded, knowing that Lorren wouldn't want to burn down his whole house.

Lorren caught Joshua and then placed the child on the sofa and carefully wiped the smaller boy with wet towel. Micheal proceeded to do the given task. "Sheesh, the kid is 39 degrees Celsius," Lorren announced with a disapproving frown and a click of the tongue. "Being out there in the cold is bad for your body," he added with a sigh.

The soup was done a few minutes later.

When Joshua's fever went down, Micheal sat down next to him while being swallowed with self-guilt. "I shouldn't have left," he repeatedly mumbled like a mantra. Lorren just left the two - not wanting to pry - and tended his own wounds, which he totally forgot to do. Going upstairs to his room.

When he checked, the wounds are half-way healed but he has to reopen them and take out the dirt. So without further ado, he took a towel and also his bandages and went to the bathroom. Nothing much is inside the small space. Just mint green tiles, a sink, a mirror, a toilet and a shower behind the shower curtains. Entering the shower curtains, he soaked his arm in scorching hot water - well, at least it is scorching hot if an ordinary human with normal sense of touch uses the tip of his/her finger to touch it - and almost instantly, all his wounds reopened. Along the pinkish water is small brown pieces of dirt from earlier.

Scrubbing the left dirts in his body, he then stepped out of the bath with pink skin. The air around him instantly felt cold on his hot body.

Wrapping the towel around his slim waist, he grabbed the bandages and disinfectant. Disinfecting the scratches, he then wrapped his wounds in nice bandages. He is extra cautious about his body. Jumping into a new set of pajamas, he went out to tend the other two.

Should I prepare cookies or muffins?

Meanwhile downstairs, Micheal finally noticed Lorren's absence. Abruptly standing up, he turned his head around searching any sign of the latter. When Lorren descended down from the stairs, he sighed. "Yo Micheal. Wanna grab a bite? There is a good store that sells Korean Barbecue around here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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