Final: Levi

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Disclaimer: I do not own Attack On Titan or any of its characters. All copyright belongs to their rightful owners.

This is a modern AU, and a Top Eren smut fic. I haven't written smut in a little while, so this may be a little poorly written from a rusty writer, but I hope you enjoy it, either way. ^^

This is dedicated to Gayboicentral for a goddamn amazing person! Go follow her and if you don't, I'll find you and shove an ice CUBE down your throat. Just kidding. Maybe. It'd certainly be a lot for you to swallow.

This one-shot is going to be done by both Eren's and Levi's POVs, so there will be two parts. We'll start with Levi in this one.

ANYWAY, on with the story!

Levi's POV:

Who the hell created summer? Like actually who. The sun is too bright. The air is too humid. It feels like I'm just inhaling my sweat instead of sweet air. God, I'm going to melt. Ice cream would be so nice right now. I sighed and slumped even more on the couch. I sighed for the millionth time when I heard the doorknob click. I perked up and glanced over at the door to see Eren walk in.

"Hey, you don't by any chance have any ice cream, do you, brat?" I called out. Eren trudged over after laying his sandals aside.

"Uh, no. But, I did grab a bag of ice from Armin's. Since our freezer isn't working too quickly, I thought instant ice might be better than having one cube per hour get produced," he answered. "Don't we still have some though? I thought we just got some last week."

"Gone. Ate it. It's in my stomach," I stated blatantly. Eren just shook his head as he leaned down. I flinched slightly but closed my eyes and leaned into him as his lips found mine. My limbs latched onto his body, and I tilted my head slightly trying to take in as much of him as I could. Eren chuckled as he pulled away and nuzzled me under his chin.

"You're such a goof, Levi. One day all that ice cream is going to get you sick," he mused. I huffed and turned away facing the couch with a heavy breath.

"It won't. I wouldn't eat that much. But can you blame me? Mississippi Mud Pie ice cream is like the best thing that exists," I cried. "You can't buy a gallon and expect me to leave it there all alone."

"I wouldn't criticize it if you weren't eating like a gallon a week," he retorted. Suddenly he sat up straddling on top of my stomach. His jade eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment before he got off and dragged me to my feet.

"What gives, Eren?" I spat in annoyance.

"Well, we don't have ice cream so why don't we make some? We can spare some of Armin's ice for it. We could make our own Mississippi Mud Pie ice cream," he suggested. I raised an eyebrow but curiously followed him.

"And... You know how to do this?" I asked. Eren shrugged making me a little bit uncomfortable. The last time Eren made anything, he caught the ceiling on fire four times within three hours. His uncertainty threw me on edge.

"Mikasa and I made it like... Twice maybe? We did it once at school and then we tried it at home. The recipe wasn't too complicated, so we should be able to replicate it easily..." he trailed off.

"That doesn't reassure me any less than when you brought this up," I muttered. Eren pat me on the back and moved so I was in front of the kitchen counter.

"It'll be fine. After all, you're here," he noted. "I'm sure you won't let this go wrong. Will you, Levi?" I shivered as soft lips suddenly latched onto my ear, nicking the edge. I pursed my lips holding my tongue between my teeth and pulled away.

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