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Sometimes, a road just flows. Everything comes together. Driver, car, and road perfectly connected. This isn't about raw power, it's about fluidity. Because a driver knows, smooth is fast.

His perfect baritone voice washes over me like water cascading over a waterfall. The simple break in his words cause me to breathe deeply, and the man is simply talking about a car.

I understand that he is trying his hardest to sell the damned car, but still, this man's voice radiates sex. Not only his voice, his touch.

His voice makes me squirm in my seat, but when he places his hand casually on my leg, or on the small of my back, it simply takes my breath away. My lungs collapse and I am completely lost in his touch. He knows this, he's quite smug about it actually.

Benedict is driving his Jaguar down the road, laughing and reciting his lines for his new commercial. He is all excited, and he is simply adorable.

It's quite amusing that he is just simply reciting and it is causing my blood to boil. What's really funny is he has no idea what he is doing to me, he is simply being Benedict, that's all he has to do.

I simply sit in the passenger seat, watching this beautiful man talk about this beautiful car. The passion he has talking about this car makes me smile and bite my lip. He glances over at me and catches me smiling.

He stops his smiles at me and asks "What?" I shake my head and reply "You just make it look so easy and comfortable, it doesn't even phase you that this car probably has more power than most."

He gets a dangerous gleam in his eye as he tells me "Oh sweetheart, I haven't even opened her up yet. This baby's got a 5.0 Liter AJ-V8 Supercharged in her."

He winks at me just before he pushes his foot ever so gently on the accelerator, and the car smoothly accelerates under us. I smile and shake my head and under my breath go "Boys and their toys." Rolling my eyes at him.

He glances over at me and asks "You wanna drive?" I look at him with wide eyes as my heart leaps out of my chest. "Drive? This car? Noooo way" I exaggerate the no to further prove my point that I don't want to drive, if I enter this car I will never want to leave.

He doesn't notice my exaggeration as he smoothly pulls over and jumps out of the car. I watch him bounce over to me, open my door, and chuckle at my mouth wide open and my eyes about to jump out of my head.

I stubbornly tell him "Benedict, I am not driving this car." He leans in and grabs my hand using his unfair power that his touch has on me.

I refuse to drive this car, he wants to be stubborn, and I can play that game too. "Stop Laughing at me. I refuse to drive this car. What did you say earlier? 0 to 100 in 5.7 seconds? No."

He looks down at me and informs me smugly "Darling, The XF goes from 0 to 100 in 5.7 seconds, you are currently standing next to is the XFR which goes from 0 to 100 in 4.9 seconds."

He now feels superior and unleashes the full power of his sea foam green eyes on me. "Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberpatch, I do NOT want to drive this car."

I stare into his eyes, as he pushes me up against the car trapping me. He smiles down at me obviously surprised that I've resisted him so long and says "You really think using my full name is going to scare me? It just turns me on when you get bossy like this."

I reached up and tangled my hands in his auburn hair, unable to resist. He leans into my touch and puts his hand on top of mine as he pulls it down to his mouth. He barely kisses my hand and looks up at me with those damned eyes.

I glare at him as I breathe "That's not fair Mr. Cumberpatch." He smiles down at me as he says "I know, but you're not exactly playing fair either darling."

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