The First Day

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I remember the day clearly it was June 3, 4018 school had just let out and I was relieved to have finished my Junior year. I woke up and rolled out of bed, got dressed and walked down stairs to the amazing smell of my aunt's famous Bacon Pancake. I pulled out a chair at the dining table and sat down, "Wow those smell amazing!" I exclaimed with excitement in my voice.

"Well aren't you up early today Richard." she said smirking, "What could you smell the pancake from you sleep or something?" My Uncle walk in the kitchen.

"Good morning uncle, and your amazing Pancakes could wake me up from death itself." I joked back. My uncle kiss her on the cheek and patted me softly on the head.

"Well let's just hope it doesn't ever come down to that bucko." he said starting the coffee machine. We joked back and forth for awhile until breakfast was finished. My aunt collected the dishes and put them in the sink.

"Aunt Jacqueline I can do them today." I said starting to stand up.

"No no I got them sport," my uncle said finishing his coffee and standing up, "You go out and have fun I hear for Fred that some kids from your school are at the town park playing Kickball. Why don't you go join them?"

"Do I have to?" I said trying not to sound whiny.

"Well sweetie you could either do that or you could finally finish that ship in a bottle you started two years ago." my aunt said knowing I gave up on finishing that project three years ago.

"Fine I'll be back later." I said defeatedly walking to the front door and then leaving. I entered the park from the Northside and I saw two of my friends from school they were sitting on a bench talking about something I couldn't hear them, nor did I feel compelled to ask once I walked up to them but I could tell they would tell me about it once we started talking. Ron was a regular high for a teen he had glass because he was next blind without them on. He had smooth brown hair, and a outlook on the world like he was ready to change it for the better. Steph was a beautify girl with luscious blonde hair, and when she smiled the whole room seemed to light up around her. They waved at me and I waved back making my way across the park and up to them. "Hey Ron hey Stephanie. How are things going?" I asked.

"Good Ron and I were just talking abo-" she was cut off by Ron's over excitement.

"Did you hear?" he asked quickly.

"Um... hear about what?" I asked inquisitively.

"The K.M.P.A. is starting to move again." he said almost bubbling over with excitement.

"The K.M.P.A." I said trying to remember them, "Isn't that the government that is tasked with tracking and taking down the Elusive Key something?"

"Yeah!" Ron said almost shouting, "and it's the Key Master it's even in their name The Key Master Protection Agency."

"Well if you ask me it just another way for the government to suppress the keys that live on this world with us while using the 'Key Master' as a scapegoat." Steph said odjectingly, "I mean the key have as much reason to be here as the rest of us, and no one has even seen this 'Key Master' in 40 years when that report went out that they killed the 'Key Master'. I mean f they are dead why are they still looking for them?" Steph was all for key rights and even though the government passed the laws giving keys citizenship, and voting right some people still either didn't like them or didn't trust them.

"Because Steph the Key Master passes on from one life to the next, even though they killed that one there still could be another out there." Ron said decisively.

"Where my I asked did you learn this from?" she said snarky.

"The wiki all about the Key Master of course." he said a little bit to proudly. Ron and Stephanie argued for years about the Key Master and if he was real or not. If only I could have told them, but that the point I'm the Key Master no one can know how I truly am. I also doesn't help that after what happens I never spoke to them again.

"Okay you two let's not start this on the first day of summer. I just want to relax and unwind from all the test and college readiness the school put us through." I said sitting down between them. That's when I notice Bolt and Aspen walk into the park. Those were to of the star athletes in basketball and football, unfortunately they were also two of the most meanest kids in the school who for some reason both decide to single me out as their prey for my whole high school year. Bolt was hefty, but then again that's what you want for a football player he also had black hair and green eyes, and once threw me into my locker. Aspen was a tall slender kid build for the basketball court, and once help Bolt hang me by my gym shorts to the school's flagpole. Of course those weren't there real name they were called that because of how good they were at their sport. The worst part is that since their parents were something of a big deal the school did next to nothing to stop their antics. I reacted by running around the bench and ducking behind it; Ron and Stephanie being the good friend there are move close together to hide me from site as best they could. As they moved through the park I waited for my chance to run back home, and when I did I was halfway to the Northside exit when I hear the familiar yell that Bolt gave off right before he was going to takedown a lineman... or was it a linebacker? Anyway I looked back slightly to see as expected Bolt coming right for me and Aspen not far behind him. I looked back forward and pushed myself as hard as I could to run as fast as I could, and I got within four miles of my house before Bolt tackled me and threw me into the side of a dumpster.

"Look Aspen it's little Richmond he thought he could outrun me." he said not even sounding winded.

"Yeah, Bolt I think he need to pay for thinking he could outrun the star of the football team." Aspen said looking down at me.

"Come on guys it's the first day of summer can't you do this some other time. I mean you do have all summer." I said pleading with them as I started to stand up.

"No I think it's time for a atomic tapout" Bolt said grading by the arm and throwing me to the ground. Trust me a atomic tapout while having a cool name isn't at all pleasant and very painful it felt like he was ripping my arms off. Next they threw me up against the dumpster and punched me in the gut, knees, face, and other places I won't tell you. The next thing I knew I was on the cold concrete very much in pain, and they started kicking and calling me name. That's when it started again I felt a rush of energy through my body that made the pain start to disappear; then I graded Bolt foot and pushed him about eight inches away from me, and for a kid who at the time could even lift his own body weight that was impressive.

I pulled myself off the ground and al the pain in my body disappeared without a trace. I felt one thing the most though I felt my whole surrounding I could tell everything around me behind, in front, above. It was a lot to take in, but I didn't have long to question it because when I was standing Aspen attack me, but this time I dodged his punch and threw him into the wall. Then Bolt tried to attack me from behind, but I could tell where he was, so I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder and onto the ground. They didn't think about sticking around after that they got up and ran off, and as quickly as the surge of power happen so did it disappear leaving me to wonder for the walk home what was happening to me. While on the walk I had decided against tell my aunt & uncle what happened I didn't what them to worry about what was happening with me, but if I did it could have stop what happened next.

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