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"That guy―just who does he think he is?!" Ayuzawa Misaki exclaimed as she pulled herself up for her fiftieth sit-up, which was, coincidentally the number of times she had cursed Usui Kaito under her breath.

"But what did he do though?" Hanazono Sakura popped her head out from under the covers, an earphone dangling from her right ear and her salmon pink hair tousled as she looked at the raven-haired questioningly.

"Yes, Misaki. It is pretty... Odd. You have been cursing him since you started working out", stated Kaga Shizuko as she adjusted her spectacles, curious as to know the answer. "Did something happen on your way to the food station?"

"No, it's not that... He's just... You know... A very fishy boy", she paused, "Don't you think that it's really really peculiar for someone that old to be recruited by SAFE? Am I the only one sane enough to be appalled by that?"

"That was a shock to everyone, but he could just be from another institution, one that's like SAFE, you know", answered the pink-haired girl, although she did not sound too convincing.

Misaki sighed as she took her drenched tank top off before tossing it at her dirty hamper. "Like that makes things any better. All of us know that SAFE is the only institution that hasn't been infiltrated by them yet. He could be a spy for all we know. A. Bloody. Spy."

"Ne, Misaki, we're all kind of like that anyway. The whole", she air-quoted, "spy thing", laughed Sakura as she climbed her way down the top bunk, grabbing her books as she walked to her desk. "And how can you even be sure that SAFE really is safe? For all we know, Shizuko could be one of them", giggled she, before realising that no one seemed to be amused. "Well, uhh, did you guys do your homework in hoplology? Shizuko, can I see your notes in linguistics?"

Kaga Shizuko nodded in response, "Top right shelf, thirteenth ledger book from the left." Without losing a beat, she spoke, "In all of the earth's honesty though, I feel that Misaki-san has developed a strange dislike towards Usui Kaito-san due to one of three possible reasons which I will be stating, or even two or all of them", Shizuko stated, raising three of her fingers as she used the other to wipe her handgun clean. "The first is that, Usui Kaito has said something really sexist, racist, or discriminating which evoked such sense of disquietude from Misaki-san. The second is that, she has developed feelings towards the young man, and being a tsundere..." She paused, feeling that a certain someone would have a say in the topic.

"YEAH, YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!" screamed Hanazono Sakura from her seat as her back faced the two. "Remember the 'Which-Dere-Are-You?' test that we took online?! I was a deredere, and Misaki was a tsundere, and you were a kuudere", reminisced the girl as she typed away, happily sighing while she did her German report.

"...Misaki cannot fathom nor project these feelings in an appropriate manner. This theory can even explain the state of her face right now, which is... Hmm, let's say, quite a flattering shade of crimson re―"

"I most definitely do not like that guy!" hissed Misaki in disgust as her eyes widened in disbelief at her best friend's words. Wiping her forehead and neck with a towel, she continued to emphasise her point, "I am in my right mind right now, and I know that I certainly dislike him, and that I will never not continue to!"

Kaga Shizuko's lips twitched, to which Misaki did not fail to notice. "Or the last possible reason... Which I find rather doubt-worthy... Could it be that you couldn't read him, Misaki?"

The sound of furious fingers on the keyboard ceased, before a "SHE COULDN'T WHAT?" was heard.

"Natural blond hair and green eyes. Has a cat. Is fit."

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