Chapter 3

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Standing in her expensive designer suit she didn't look happy. "What is this?" She said thrusting the same article Danteous showed him. "None of your damn business." He snapped. "And how the hell do you know where I'm living?" Danteous came out of the living room to stand behind Cole, placing a hand on his hip.

"So being gay wasn't enough for you? You had to go and whore yourself out to whoever has legs?" She sneered at him. "Not only that but you go and make yourself look like a freak!" Cole glared, "What's wrong mom, don't get laid enough? Or are you jealous that I have not only one but two people who love you."

She crossed her arms, "If she loves, then where is she? Hiding because she's ashamed to be seen with the two of you?" His fists clenched, "Sorry mom, not all women are like you. Our woman likes to work and make an actual difference in the world." She scoffed, "I make a difference." He laughed coldly, "Doing something that makes a positive difference to your wallet doesn't count. Now then if you don't leave I will call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing." She seemed to have steam come out of her ears as she walked away.

Cole shut the door and leaned into Danteous, "Can this day get any worse?" Danteous kissed the top of him head, "Knock on wood Pet because if you jinx us I'm going to turn your ass a beautiful shade of red." Cole smiled, "Can you do that anyways?" Danteous chuckled and shook his head, "Not tonight Pet. I have another early morning."

Cole sighed, "You work too hard." "It'll be worth it in the end." He assured him. "Won't be long till we're going to Japan." Cole nodded, "But we won't have our sexy translator with us." Viviana had shocked Danteous one day when she had come in during one of his meetings with one of the men Danteous was discussing building the Japan branch. She had learned Japanese when she had been stationed there and that made the want to take her with him even stronger so it would just be the three of them. Now it'll be just two.

"When are we leaving?" Cole asked him. "This weekend. We'll be there for two weeks, and we'll be home in time for Thanksgiving." Then the craziness of making sure everything is perfect. There was only thing that would make it perfect, Viviana. Even if they simply had fast food it would still be perfect. She would be home, she would be safe. Cole just hopes when they get back things with their mothers won't be out of hand.

The next day Viviana's mom skipped down the aisle, while Cole pushed the cart. They were going to send Viviana a care package. "It's really hot in Iraq so we can't get her chocolate." She said as she twirled in the aisle, looking for more junk food to add to the package. She got her, her favorite cans of Pringles, some flavor packets to add to her cantine so the water tastes better and it ensures she gets more vitamins, sun screen, dog treats for Terra, a new stick of deodorant, lotion, hair ties, the list went on.

"What do you think we should add in?" She asked him. She was a walking rainbow today but it suits her. "I don't know if there is anything else we can add." He said looking down at the cart. She waved a hand, "Oh you silly boy, the more the better." He laughed softly, "I don't think this will all fit in the box you got." She laughed, "I've got mad packing skills Coley."

He laughed softly and shook his head. As she headed down the aisle he followed behind her. "So how is the issues with your mothers going?" She asked him curiously as she looked at a travel sized word search book. He sighed, "Victor's counter helped but it only added gasoline to the fire."

She looked at him, "Did you boys drop the big bomb on them yet?" The big bomb being who Viviana really is. He shook his head, "Not yet. Victor has my brothers going to the people who's lives she's touched and getting positive statements from them. Also from her fellow officers and retired Marines who she once served with." She smiled, "I can't wait to read it." He couldn't either.

When they got back to her house they managed to get it all and more into the box. Everyone had written her letters and were sending her pictures.  They even got a letter from Francis and Zeke in there. After it was all packed, they ordered pizza for dinner.

"Little One, you've had enough cookies. You haven't had dinner yet." Cole and Danteous heard from the kitchen. "But Daddy they're so good." She whined. "Sofia." He said warningly. They could hear her pouting. "I want another cookie." She said, while stomping her foot. Then she made a dramatic sound as she but into another one. "Go to your corner."

"But Daddy, I don't like the corner." She whined. "Go." He told her sternly. The entire way from the kitchen to the living room she stomped. She dropped into a pink chair in the corner and crossed her arms with a huff. Danteous and Cole bit back their smiles, not wanting to get her into anymore trouble. Dad came in shaking his head and sat down in his recliner, "Pizza should be here soon." He glanced at his Sub, making sure she stays still. "So how is work?" He asked Danteous. "Not going as smoothly as I would lack but it could be worse." Knock on wood, Cole silently thought. When the pizza arrived mom got antsy in her chair, wanting to get out of time out.

Dad smirked as he took a bite of his meat lovers pizza. "If only you had listened, you'd be eating with the rest of us." He told her. "I'm sorry Daddy." She pouted. "For?" He prompted. "Being a brat." He nodded, "Good girl now come sit on my lap." She got up quickly and sat in his lap. He handed her a plate with pepperoni pizza on it.

Cole had once wondered what it would be like if he had kids and still continued with the BDSM lifestyle he loved so much. He worried that it would scare his kids or maybe embarrass them. Seeing how Viviana is with her parents gave him hope that they won't care. Kids were the most accepting people in the world. He wants to be a parent like her's, kind, accepting, and open. He knew Danteous felt the same since they've discussed it once or twice. How did Viviana feel about having kids?

Hey peopleisms! So I have some questions.

1: Should they have kids? If so how many?

2: Who is your favorite character both in this book and the first one?

3: What do you hope happens in this?

4: Would you guys want a 3rd book?

You can PM your answers or comment them. All are welcome.

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