Chapter 5

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"Y-you monster! Get away from me!" Her Aunt didn't reach the door, instead her feet are frozen on the ground from the ice and frost. The hard ice cascades over her body. Freezing her legs, and arms in place.

"Please! Just leave me alone you monster!" Her Aunt wails. I guess that's her bad habit. Wailing like a grumpy cat who got its tail stepped on.
"There is no other monster than you here, Aunty."
"Wh-what do you mean!? You are the monster!" Even with her dangerous situation Aunty still tries to overpower Marina. I shake my head. Oh, well.

"It was nice of you to see me, but I don't want to see you. Goodbye. Dear." The end of Marina's sentence turns into mockery. The ice around her Aunt's body the ice slowly creeps up. "Help! Help me! Anyone! Please! Please help me!" Her Aunt struggles against the hold on her body. Her plea's turn into sobs. The ice turning her lips into a shade of blue. She opens her mouth to try to plead. But the ice covers her mouth freezing fully over her head, silencing her."It was nice while it lasted, Aunty." The brown four-legged animal crawled up to its owner. Its stomach close to the waxed, shiny floor,whining and then curled up at Marina's Aunts frozen feet. "Brownie. Why are you attached to your owner, even after you found out about her trying to murder me?" The screen darkens and images fly across the screen. An image of her on the ground with the red stain, her in her room looking into the same exact gadget. Her talking to me. And her thoughts are written at the bottom of each flying image. The last image is of her floating in the air, staring into the abyss in front of her. And her thoughts are written at the bottom. I quickly scan her thoughts. "Hopefully no one will die today. Except for the one who is after me, my knowledge, and my powers. And I will most likely die here today as well." I read her thought out loud. I hear a sharp inhale. I jump at the sound."Sorry I scared you." I quickly nod at Brook who is currently being held in Blake's arms. A tissue crumpled in her hand and tears are running down her face. I look back at her thought and re-read it, silently this time. "Hopefully no one will die today. Except for the one who is after me, my knowledge, and my powers. And I will most likely die here today as well." "I will most likely die here as well"? That is how I realize that Marina is not planning on coming to back us. To me. I go to the title of her folder. Memories that I remember after accident number five. What accident? I read on. Accident #1 Mom And Dad. I read the description of the folder. Mom dies because I took away her life energy when she was pregnant with me. She wasn't strong enough after the birth. Dad, he didn't try to kill us both. I killed him. I let go of my power for the first time and burned the house down after locking him in a room with my telekinesis. I feel the blood rush up to my head, making me feel nauseous. I sit down on her bed and read on. Accident #2 My Crush. I really really really liked by crush back in third grade. But I killed him. I don't even remember how I killed him. One moment I was about to tell him that I liked him, and the next he was crumpled on the waxed floor with blood pooled around him. Accident #3 Uncle, Aunt, and Brownie. Uncle was killed by me, when he was about to hit me I took away his life energy faster than I intended it to be. I only wanted his hit to not hurt, but instead I took away all of his power. Aunt was killed by me, when I let go of my power for the third time I froze her in thick ice, killing her instantly. Brownie died when I froze him to his "master's" feet. So brownie died as well because of hunger because I only froze his legs and up to his neck. Accident #4 The president's sidekick. The "sidekick" was not really anyone special. But I still killed her. I don't know why. I think it was because she didn't let me see the president. Accident #5 The President's Shapeshifter."Why is nothing there for Accident #5 The President's Shapeshifter? " I yelp in surprise. I nervous giggle erupts from Book's mouth as I turn to her. "Stop scaring me!" I roll my eyes at Brook. Seriously. Can't she at least warn me?"Sorry. Again. But why is there no description inside of the folder marked as Accident #5 The President's Shapeshifter? " "I don't know, but it says here. . " I drift off as I point to a sentence on the gadget. "Where?" Brook leans in closer to the screen. I look up, and see Blake shooting daggers at me with his eyes."No worries Blake. I'm not interested in Brook. I'm interested in Marina." I call out to him in an attempt to make peace. He visibly relaxes. I chuckle at his possessiveness. I look back at the thin silver gadget in my hands. " See? It says, Memories that I remember after accident number five. I guess it means that she forgot her memories before Accident #5 The President's Shapeshifter." I answer. I feel the bed shift as Brook leaves, and walks to Blake.

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