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*Tyler's POV*

"So Hannah, Clay what do you say?" Right now Aria is trying to convince Clay, and Hannah to go to her house for a study group I think? I wasn't really listening, I kept messing with ,my camera the whole time. "I don't know..." "YES !! Come on please, Tyler will be there, Right Ty?" She looks at me, smiling, her dimple shows when she smiles, it's cute. "I-uh yea I guess?" "That was a question, you are coming for sure, plus we need to finish season 3" "Season 3?" Clay looks at Aria, looking for answers while Hannah is sitting up, "Of Grey's Anatomy, Me and Tyler started watching it last weekend, -- well I was on season 14 but I rewatched it for him" Hannah looks at Aria, and tackles her into a hug they fall to the ground, "YOU ARE NOW MY WIFE !!" Hannah yells, they both laugh like lunitics, "Okay me and Helmet will be there" "Okay let's meet at my house" "Okay Bye" They walk away, she grabs my hand, and I feel a thousand emotions, probably nerves, I really like her, "Let's go to my house", "Hey baby wanna go to my party tonight, we could have some fun" Bryce came up in front of her, "Yeahh---" his face lit up when she said that, I just look at her like is she serious, "No thanks Bryce I got plans" I could finally relax, "Who wit your freak boyfriend Tyler?" "Yea I have plans with my boyfriend" she grabbed my hand again and rubbed little circles on it, "That was a joke, there is no way someone as hot as you is dating that freak, you could do so much better, for example we could go to my place" she actually started laughing, "Wow, that would be a down grade, and yep me and Tyler are dating now so... bye" she starts walking away but Bryce blocks her path, "If you guys are dating prove it" how the hell are we supposed to prove it, "Excuse me?" she says, she still didn't let go of my hand, "You heard me prove it" This is not gonna go well, I guess the jokes over, "Okay" she says, she looks at me pins me up to the wall, whispers in my ear, "Don't worry this means nothing, nothing will get weird" She pulls my head closer, I can feel her breath on me. Her lips barley brush across mine, I pull her neck and kiss her passionately, after a few moments we stop for air, and Bryce just looked at me, I smirked and flipped him off and he left, I looked back at her, and lot's of heat rushed to my face as she grabbed my hand once again and dragging me to the car. "That.Was.Awsome. You are a good kisser" she stated as we got in, the heat started to rush to my face again, "You sound shocked" I said turning to her, she looks at me smiling, with a light pink covering her cheeks. It was a silent car ride, we're half way there when I feel pressure on my hand, I look down and Aria has her hand on mine, she squeezes it a little and smiles at me. We finally get to her house and Hannah and Clay are waiting at the front porch waiting, "Hey sorry we had a run-in with Bryce" she yells out the car window, she parks and we get out of the car. She unlocks the door, we walk inside, "I am gonna go change, but you can get food or something if you want" she runs upstairs, leaving the 3 of us to raid her kitchen, "HANNAH I HAVE CLOTHES THAT YOU COULD BORROW, IF YOU WANT" she yells from upstairs."NO, NOT RIGHT NOW" "OKAY". "TYLER ORDER A PIZZA" I dial the pizza number, order a large pepperoni Pizza.

*Time skip*

Right now we are trying to pick a movie to watch, Clay wants a sci-fi, Hannah wants comedy, Aria and I want Horror. Then it starts raining out of no where, and Aria runs upstairs and I'm pretty sure she fell, 2 minutes went by, with all 3 of us confused, she ran back down stairs, in a black shirt, black pants, and black converse, and ran out the door. All 3 of us ran after her, and she was in the middle of her front yard, standing there getting wet, her hair and clothes were soaked, "Aria what are you doing? Tyler what is she doing?" Hannah said looking at her. She ran back inside and came out with a speaker, and her phone, she started to play music which was loud, and started dancing, "You guys come dance with me," We all just looked at her before she came up to us, and pulled me into the rain and we started dancing, slowly after Clay and Hannah joined us.

 She ran back inside and came out with a speaker, and her phone, she started to play music which was loud, and started dancing, "You guys come dance with me," We all just looked at her before she came up to us, and pulled me into the rain and we s...

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( They basically just jumped around like crazy people)

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( They basically just jumped around like crazy people)

Then Aria fell and got mud everywhere, on her clothes, shoes, hair, and she got up and started laughing, then me, then Hannah, then Clay. She bent down grabbed a mud ball, and threw it at me. Then from there it was a full on war. We finally stopped when we heard thunder, we ran back inside, "You want those clothes now" she laughed, Hannah nodded and they went upstairs. "Okay Tyler, I'm not stupid, You like her" Clay said as soon as he heard her bedroom door close, "I don't know what your talking about" He just looked at me, "Okay fine maybe I do a little, but we kissed,--" He had wide eyes after I said this,"Yea that little run in with Bryce, she said that we were dating, then he said prove it, then she kissed me, and I don't know what to do, I already had a little crush on her before".

*Upstairs with Aria and Hannah*

*Aria's POV*

"So... You and Tyler" Hannah said from the bathroom, "What about me and Tyler?" "Aren't you guys dating" "What no, but...." "Oh MY GOD, did you guys hook up" she said the last part really quietly, coming out of the bathroom, "NO !! we just kissed" She started jumping up and down, "YES, are you guys together now?When? YES #Taria is happening" I started laughing, getting clothes for the boys, "No it was just a kiss, nothing else happened. And if you tell anybody I will kill you" She put her hands up in surrender backing up, "Okay, okay, no need to get your panties in a twist" we started laughing and went downstairs, and the Pizza was here, I handed the boys their clothes and they ended up sleeping over.

Hey so sorry... for not writing but I have been in a dark place lately, and I don't know why exactly, but thank you so much, for reading this story, voting on it, and commenting.

𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎.   tyler downWhere stories live. Discover now