1: breath, skin

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Kai and Aichi; afterwards. A re-imagining of Link Joker's end.


1: breath, skin

There has been a new customer coming in at Card Capital, a fiery child who boasts he can bring even the great Suzugamori Ren to his knees with his cardfighting skills. Their table gets loud in the afternoons, and Misaki often has to shush them from her place behind the counter. The kid is a tad arrogant at times but his heart is in the right place. Nitta likes his enthusiasm and wants to help.

“Do you want to fight someone really strong?” he asks.

The kid and his friends turn to him, glowing with excitement. “Who?!”

“You might have hear his name before,” Nitta says conversationally. “Sendou Aichi.”

They wilt almost instantly. “Him?” one of them says. “He won only once! Ages ago! Then lost a ton of games. What’s the point of battling him?”

Nitta smiles. “Winning isn’t everything, you know. Sometimes you have to lose to gain something much more important.”

He brings them to the back of the shop where it’s quieter. There are tables for those who prefer more private fights, and in the corner of the room, two teenagers play a very quiet game of Vanguard.

Sendou Aichi, with soft blue hair that daintily fell just past his chin, has his back to them. Toshiki Kai, his bright-eyed opponent, sits across him, making peculiar gestures with his fingers on Aichi’s open palm. Aichi nods, as if in understanding, before drawing a card, holding it for a moment and adding it to his hand. In turn, he makes his own gestures and Kai lightly raps the play table once in response, watching Aichi’s hand movements signalling his attack and then the end of his turn.

“What are they doing,” the fiery kid deadpans at Nitta, off-put by their curious exchange. “Why aren’t they talking?”

“You’ll find out,” answers Nitta, all too knowing.

Aichi senses their guests before Kai notices. His face turns upward, recognizing a familiar presence in the air. Aichi gestures at Kai to pause their game before fully turning to make a different gesture at Nitta in greeting—his name.

“He—“ the kid starts.

“—can’t see,” Kai says, moving to stand by Aichi’s side. Large, once blue eyes that shone with kindness and stubborn determination are now clouded over, milky white, and stared at them unseeing. He has a small, expectant smile on his face, having recognized Nitta but not the others. He’s patiently waiting for an explanation, which Kai gives by gently taking his hand and signing into it.

“Or hear.” Aichi nods and stays close to him. “And?” Kai asks, turning to the group. “What do you need?”

Nitta’s brows form an apologetic ‘ha’. “I was hoping this little guy could fight Aichi.” He gives the feisty child a smart clap on the shoulder. Kai translates while Nitta speaks. “He’s very eager to fight strong opponents. I thought this’d help boost him in the right direction.”

The kid looks up at Nitta with a mix of fear and incredulity. He doesn’t know if he feels insulted, being asked to play against some unknown player, let alone someone who can neither hear nor see, but at the same time, he is inexplicably intimidated. Despite his appearance, there is a sure confidence that Sendou Aichi exudes.

He is signing.

“Sorry you’re playing against me,” Kai interprets. “Please take care of me,” and tuts in annoyance, giving Aichi a little shove before signing rapidly into his hand.

The children could almost hear their conversation. Stop saying that all the time. Have some more confidence in yourself.

Aichi sheepishly smiles in apology and they sit down to play.

“Um…how am I supposed to do this,” the kid asks as Aichi quickly shuffles his own deck and neatly places it in front of him to cut.

“Just play normally,” Kai says, standing by Aichi’s shoulder. “Well, slowly. Let him touch the units on your field once in a while so he knows what they are and where they are.”

“Stand up, Vanguard!” says the kid, voice oddly lonely without his opponent to shout with. Kai quickly signs into Aichi’s palm as the kid rides, calls, and ends his turn. Aichi gently moves to touch the cards on the playmat, careful not to displace them. He nods once and returns to his hand before riding and calling his own units, then gesturing his attack.

“Marron boosts Wingal and attacks your Vanguard,” Kai simply says.

“No guard,” the kid replies uncertainly, not entirely sure what or why he’s doing what he’s doing. A few turns later, the thrill of cardfight grips him and he regains his enthusiasm.

It’s an unusual game he plays with Sendou Aichi, nothing like he’s ever experienced yet. His friends look on, skeptical, confused, but altogether entranced. A few other patrons peek in on their game, and soon the crowd of spectators has grown.

Miwa and Kamui, who have been playing in the main area of the shop, come in just in time to see Aichi deal his opponent’s last damage.

The kid and his friends let out a cry of defeat, like fired fans at a soccer match, disappointed at a goal that almost made it. They are nonetheless in extremely good spirits, having just witnessed an incredible fight.

“Onii-san, you’re amazing!” the fiery child exclaims before remembering, as Aichi remains smiling and unresponsive toward his outburst. He instead grips Aichi’s hand tightly in both of his, much to Aichi’s surprise, and says again “Onii-san, you’re amazing. Thank you!” He jumps off the table, returning to the main room with his friends, ready to play several more rounds.

He thanked you, Kai signs.

That surprised me, but the kid was pretty good, Aichi signs back.

“Yo! Kai, Aichi,” Miwa greets and gives Aichi a light bump, announcing himself.

“Aichi-oniisan!” Kamui greets as well, giving his own little tap and Aichi signs their names in recognition.

Nitta’s request again? Miwa signs into Aichi’s hand now free of cards. Man, if you had a hundred yen for every time he did that, you’d be able to treat all of us to good gyuudon.

Aichi laughs, soundless and open. It’s fine with me, really. I actually kind of like it.

Aichi-nii, Kamui signs into Aichi’s other hand, adding to the conversation. It’s the VF Koushien Quarter Finals soon. You’ll come won’t you?

Aichi holds Kamui’s hands firmly in his own and nods. I wouldn’t miss it.

“Aren’t you going to tell him though?” Miwa asks out loud.

“About what?” comes Kai.

Miwa signs for Aichi as he speaks. “Dr. O and the organizers want Aichi and Ren to participate in an exhibition match.”

Aichi looks at Miwa with surprise. Me in a match? His expression turns wistfully unsure. He hasn’t participated in any competitive events ever since…

Kai takes his hand and gently signs, Would you like to?

Aichi feels a tug in his chest and the heat flood his palms. He is sure Kai can feel it too. He nods, shy but resolute. I’d love to, if they’d have me.

Kamui breaks into a relieved smile. “That’s really great! I’ll go tell the others!”

Kai feels a squeeze. Aichi’s hand is still in his.

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