perfectionist [1]

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It was just a normal day at the shopping mall, if I remember correctly. The simmering heat stung my lips as we strutted into the mall. Well, more so my friends. I just kept a close eye on anything that wasn't perfect, like a crooked floorboard, or a chipped sign. Being teased about it was alright, since I didn't really care who teased me anyways.

"Y/N, babe, stop focusing on that wobbly chair, let's go have some fun!" F/N exclaimed, flipping her hair to the left side while winking at a passing boy. Typical. I faked a smile and kept walking, but my god was that chair irritating.

"So, we're planning on hooking you up with one of the hot guys at school!" Another F/N exclaimed as soon as we passed the nearby Victoria's Secret just by the corner. The mall was quite busy, and I found myself feeling a little claustrophobic. "Cool," I mumbled, avoiding eye contact. The girl's face drooped suddenly, as if a little disappointed that I wasn't that thrilled about hooking up with a guy. This wasn't a crowd I techinically enjoyed hanging out with, but I did what I could to get around.

"Fine. If you're going to be all grumpy, so be it. Just know the offer's still on the table if you want to try it." I nodded, and the group was silent rest of the way until we passed a Starbucks. They all squealed.

"Y/N, do you want a drink?" I shook it off, waving her to go along with the others. Making my break for it, I ran down the stairs to the first floor and out the door, where I hailed a cab to get all the way back home.

Home wasn't a home to most. My home consisted of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and aside from normal rooms, that was it. Everything physical about it was alright, but the things that had happened there weren't. We'd had bad luck ever since my father, who had been working with mechanics at the nearby amusement park, fell off the ferris wheel. No one knew how, but the ride seemingly turned on by itself late at night, causing him to lose balance and slip. I still have nightmares about the description the police gave to our family. Confirming the body was so much worse.

I sat on my bed, smoothing out the sheets before staring at the ground. I missed him, but sadly, we can't bring the dead back. Looking up at my alarm clock, I saw the sign.

2:03 PM

It'd be a good idea to open up the repair shop today. Maybe I could make some money for breakfast for my mother in the morning.

Getting off my bed, my bare feet sunk into the carpet as I walked down the stairs, ready to go grab some new socks and my working boots. Slipping them on, I made sure to lock the door of our home before crossing the empty crossroad that lay just in front of our home and business. I unlocked the metal gates, and as I lifted up the door, I smiled softly.
I'd always admire the work that we put into the shop before opening it. It took a lot of lemonade stands, yet the entire deal was worth it all. Besides, I was an only child. Additionally, ever since my father passed away, my mother needed help paying the bills. Lemonade stands wouldn't get us out of debt. So, here I stood. I never had anyone to necessarily hang out with, and I was fine with that. I had the cars to tend to.

Suddenly, a green Stingray model car pulled into the lot, breaking my thought process. My first customer! A man stepped out of the car and approached me. "Hey, I'm Cade Yeager. By chance could you be so kind as to repair this car?"

"Uh, yes, of course!" I said as I admired the features. Green for good luck, I suppose. "It's gorgeous, by the way. Perfect in such a way that it doesn't look as if it needs to be repaired!" I exclaimed. The man stood there with his lips parted, looking as if he wanted to say something, but a second later, he shut them. "Just tell me what you need repaired, and I'll handle it. By the way, I'm Y/N." I added as I held out my hand for him to shake.

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