Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. My alarm wasn't supposed to be on. So I turned it off and tried to go back to sleep. Then I remembered that my parents were taking me down to see my cousin, and they wanted us down there early. I got up and took a shower. After my shower I combed my hair to the back of my head.

My hair was longer than what most guys had. All I actually did with my hair was the sides, the back, and sometimes the top would get a small trim. My hair was a dark brown, and pretty straight. I wasn't really skinny, but I wasn't really big either. Some people called me skinny and others called me big. Nobody called me medium. I don't know why but I guess there is no such thing as medium sized. I'm really tall though. My eyes are purple. My parents told me that I have this disease but I can't remember what it's called. Basically it makes your eyes an inbetween of light and dark shade of purple. I always thought I was lucky to have purple eyes, even if it is a disease. It's still really cool.

It has been about one year since 'the night I woke up,' as my parents called it. I remember waking up not knowing where I was. Two people who now I know are my parents. I fell asleep because I had been struck by lightning and had the weirdest dream. I got smacked a lot. Anyways, that entire day has been forgotten. My dad told me to get some sleep, and in the mourning he would talk to me and get everything all straightened up. They were my parents, something was wrong and didn't know exactly what it was, and if I caused them to much trouble they were going to make me sit in my room and wait for everybody else.

I never did go to school. But I did have a friend. His name was Josh. One day I went outside and a kid about my age was just about to knock on my door. He said his mother told him to make friends with neighbors so that when school got out, he had someone else to hang out with sense everyone of his friends lives too far to walk too, and he decided to try my house. I asked my parents if it was alright that I went to hang out with him and they said yeah. It was since that day I had something to look forward too. Anyways, I didn't go to school because of the incident that happened to me. They told me that none of my friends lived around so they told them I was getting homeschooled. And it wasn't a lie. I was. Up until around three thirty I was being taught what I needed to know for my grade level. Okay, that's a lie. I was only taught what the math and english teachers were teaching. So, it didn't really last that long. Unless I didn't understand at all what was going on.

Anyways, back to now.

My parents were already awake and ready to go.

"Why do we have to go now? Why can't we wait until like, after lunch? Can I at least eat breakfast first?" I asked.

I tended to be like that. Asking questions that probably shouldn't be asked to my parents with the tone I gave them. I've started to learn on that.

"Damon, we have to tell you the truth. We aren't going to see your cousin. We just need to have a long talk. I know it's only been around one year, and you haven't really had one of these kinds of talks, we want you to take all of this seriously," my mother said.

"Okay," I responded slowly.

We got into our small dirty white car and went on a drive I figured was going to be a very long drive. For a while things were really quiet. I didn't want to have this talk, but at the same time I did. Did I do something wrong? Are things going to change? What is going on?

"So, you needed to talk to me? About what?" I asked nervously.

"Hang on. Almost to where we need to go," my mother said.

I waited another five minutes before asking again. It was beautiful outside. All the trees, the green grass, the way the lighting was because it was so early was amazing. Dark, but bright at the same time. I usually was never up at this time so it was different, but in a good way.

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