Chapter Twenty Four

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*Still Marinette First Person POV*

That night, after Adrien left, I got an alert that there was an akuma attack. I transformed quickly, and leaped into the night, headed toward the moon.

I landed gracefully on a rooftop, behind the boy in leather. The moon reflected of his toned back, almost like he was glowing. I had the strange urge to reach out and trance his shoulder blades.

"Any idea what we're up against?" I said breaking the silence that had elapsed since I stepped on the roof.

"Nope. We should just go attack. You know, keep talking to a limit." He said as he jumped down to meet the akumatized girl.

"What?" I mumbled to myself. What did I do? I thought.

I shrugged it off and went down to join him, dodging shots of power being sent my way. After a while, we found a weakness. She had a soft spot for Chat. And for some reason it made me jealous.

After the fight and collections the butterfly, we went back up to the roof.
"Any idea who the akumatized victim was?" I asked.

"No idea." Is all he said. "But, apparently, she's in love with me." He said scoffing.

"And that's a bad thing?" I asked, weirdly disappointed for some unknown reason.
"It's not like it matters to me." He said for the looking at me for the first time that night. "Why?" I asked. "I have a girlfriend i'm in love with, I wouldn't ever think of another girl. So no, I don't care if she loves me. The feelings not returned." He turned back to the city and moon.

"Why are you acting strange?" I asked. "No reason." He short answered. "No, seriously. What's up? What did I do?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

"You didn't do anything, it's what I did." He shook my hand off. "No, something's up. Why are you taking it out on me if it's you?" I asked getting mad. He was hiding something.

He groaned tugging on the ends of his hair. "I kissed you last battle. Is that what you wanted?" He said bitterly.

"And that's a bad thing? What, did I not meet your expectations for kissing? I don't even remember it, when?" I asked with anger.

"God no! Not everything is about you! I have a girlfriend that I love. Do you get it? I kissed another girl, I cheated on her! I'm such a horrible person. What am I going to do?" He groaned.

"Tell her." I said quietly. He turned around to look suprised at me. "What?" He said eyebrows knitting together. "She would never forgive me." A stray tear ran down his cheek.

*Adrien's First Person POV*

I didn't know I was crying until she wiped away my tears with her gloved thumb, the skin instantly sending fireworks through my body. "You're not a horrible person. You are passionate and caring,  if you told her it was a big mistake, and how you love her, I'm sure she would understand. So stop doubting yourself." She said her face inches from mine.

I looked down at her lips. Familiar. And those eyes were showing emotional I've seen portrayed before. Slowly she leaned in. I could feel her breath on my skin, making it tingle in a special way.

The way Marinette made me feel.

"Stop." I pushed her away, she fell backwards and looked confused at me.
"I love her. Here I am telling you that I kissed another girl, and you're wanting to make me do it again. God, Ladybug." He scoffed. "I got to go." He said glaring while he leaped away into the night.

After I got back home, I transformed back into just me, and gave some cheese to Plagg as I collapsed on the couch.

"What am I going to do, Plagg?" I groaned tugging on my hair. "Go see her as Chat Noir"

"Really Plagg? I should?"

"Yeah, and then you can get me some more cheese!" He said finishing of his current piece.

"Finnnnnneeeee. Plagg, claws out!" I yelled raising my hand to be transformed.

I leaped off Marinette's house. Once I landed, I knocked on her window. Inside she was blasting music, and I could hear 5sos through the glass.

I chuckled, and opened the window myself. I snuck up behind her and tickled her. She gasped and then fell into a fit of laughter. "Chat! Chat stop! I can't breath!"
She squeled.

When I stopped, I had a big grin on my face. I love her. Not Ladybug. I kept telling myself. Those fireworks, that moment, it meant nothing. This is the girl I'm in love with.

She turned in her chair to face me. "Chat! It's been forever!" She said wrapping me into a hug. "I know, but I was busy with a girl." I said smiling and blushing.

"LADYBUG?!" She squeled again with her eyes wide and eyebrows raised up.

"No, a different girl." I said running the back of my neck and smiling sheepishly.

"WHO!?" She screamed. "Can't tell you that." I said with a sorry face. She pouted.

"Can you at least tell me about her?"

"I could talk for hours about how amazing she is. She's so sweet and caring. Shes super talented. She makes me feel so complete and calm. She's my home." He blushed.

She grinned. "Awwwww, little Chat's in love!" She cooed teasing.

"I am, I love her so fucking much. More than life, the world, more than anything." We had migrated over to the couch, she was now leaning her head on my shoulder, and I had my arm around her waist. I know she felt this way friendly love, but for her, it was more.

"That's amazing Chat, I'm glad you finally found someone who makes you feel like that. Does she know about you being, you know, Chat?"

"Nope. I want to tell her, so bad."

"Then tell her." She said llime it was the simplest thing in the world.

"I don't know. How bout you and lover boy? How are you guys."

As soon as I asked she grinned, playing with my fingers. "Great. Amazing actually. Everything is amazing. He's amazing." She blushed, still smiling like an idiot.

"Is he now? I confessed how much i love her, it's your turn." He said, really. Just wannting to hear her talk about him.

"Hes the best. I love him so much! Hes so sweet and cute. Hes a dork, bjt he's my dork." She said turning really red. He couldn't help by grin like an idiot as well.

If she was classified as an idiot, then he was in love with a idiot. But, is there more than one idiot?


Thanks for reading! Bug out! X🐞🐈❤️

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