Yoosung x Reader

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Guess who's back from the dead?

I haven't really been updating in this book so I'm really sorry about that. I just don't really know how this book will go, you know?
But I guess if I want it to do well I have to put the effort in. So here's another one shot for you!
I made it up on the spot so sorry if it's crap 😅
Please don't be shy to request stories!I'd be happy to write them!
Anyway I'll shut up now and start the one shot.


Yoosung Kim.

Your favourite singer/songwriter of all time was performing at your local stadium.
Of course you had to go.However not getting the tickets were easy. You tried multiple times trying to get tickets on every device you owned but in the end your best friend, Mirren, got the two of you tickets for a cheap price.

She always has good luck getting these types of things.

You and your friend were standing in line, waiting to be checked by security and be let into the stadium.
"I can't believe this is actually happening Y/N!We're going to finally see him!In real life!"Mirren squealed as she squeezed both of your arms.
You giggled at your best friend and noticed that you were the next in line to get checked by the security guards.

After both of you were checked the two of you entered the stadium and fangirled about how you were now in the same stadium as Yoosung Kim.
The Yoosung Kim.

"What time is it Mirren?"You asked.
Mirren pulled out her phone from her small shoulder bag and answered,
"7:45p.m. We only have 15 minutes to spare. Do you wanna buy some drinks before we go to the stage?"
"Yeah, lets go."You nodded and walked towards a bar line.
"What would you like?"The server asked the two of you.
"Um, what do you want?"You asked Mirren.
"Uh...I don't know just whatever your getting."She replied.
"Okay." You turned your head towards the girl who was serving you."Two F/D please."
The girl nodded and went away to get the drinks.
She came back with two cups in her hands filled with F/D.
"That'll by £8.00." She said putting her hands out for the money.
You gave her the money and left with Mirren to go to the stage.
"What was the stage called again?"
"I dunno.I'll check the tickets."
She pulled out the two tickets and read out loud,
"Stage A7, so that's over there." She said pointing towards the far left of the building.
You smiled widely as the both of you headed towards the stage doors.

You and Mirren entered the ginormous dimly lit room and the two of you immediately squeaked.
"Is it 8:00p.m yet?"You asked the blonde.
"Yeah, just about!We should head up towards the stage so we can be at the front."Your friend grabbed your hand and lead you towards the black stage.
(A/N:They are standing btw)

Just as you pushed your way to the front drums filled the room followed by the sound of an electric guitar.
High-pitched screams filled the stadium as blue and pink spotlight flashed on the star of the show.

Your POV

"YOOSUNG KIM!"Mirren screamed at that top of her long.
I just laughed and belted out the lyrics to one of his most famous song with my friend and swayed from side to side.
"My god we've got a great view of him!...Omg Y/N we can move closer!Look!"My best friend pointed towards an empty space right at the front of the stage.
I rapidly walked behind Mirren but I was stopped by a hard yank of my wrist.
"Hey sweetheart, where are you going?"The dark voice whispered in my ear.
I turned around to see a tall muscular guy that had all black on.
If I said he wasn't attractive, I was lying.
I just looked at the guy weirdly and questioned,
"Um...Why did you pull me back?"
I tried to sound as sweet and genuine as possible.
He wasn't though.
"Oh come on!The way your dressed is asking for it, sweetie."
I looked down at my clothes.
My shorts aren't that short, are they?
"I don't know what you mean.My clothes look appropriate to me."I answered him back not attempting to be nice anymore.
"Well I'll just make you see what I mean." He aggressively grabbed my wrists and dragged me towards the doors of the stage room.
"Let me go!Right now!"I tried yanking my hand away.
"Leave me alone!You have no right to take me anywhere!"I tried and tried to pull my hand away from his strong grip but it was no use.
"LET GO OF ME!PLEASE?!"I shrieked,tears beginning to blurt your vision.
Suddenly the music was cut off halfway through a song and Yoosung stopped singing. None of the fans were singing or cheering anymore.
The huge stage room was filled with deafening silence.
That's when you finally looked around you to see everyone's eyes on you. You could even see people's shocked faces looking at you from the seats above you.
I wasn't that loud was I?
I glanced up to two large screen at both sides of the stage to see my and the strangers face.
When I finally looked towards the stage I saw the young blonde look at me with a look of confusion and concern.
Did he...
Stop the concert
Because he saw me?

My eyes became even wider as he came down from the sidesteps of the stage sprinted between the fans (with security guards guarding him)that were now screaming as he passed them and came towards me.
Before I knew it the famous singer was standing in front of me glaring at the guy who was now loosely holding my wrist.
God, he's taller than I thought.

That's all I could think of before Yoosung grabbed the creeps shoulder and swung his wrist out for it to land on the strangers face.Hard.
My eyes widen in fear as I watch my favourite star punch the living guts out of the creep that forced me to walk with him.
Eventually security guards had to pull the blonde male away until he made serious damage to the guy.
Yoosung stood up straight and then looked over at me.
Oh God my face is like a toaster.

I then saw him smile sweetly.

"What're you getting embarrassed?It's only me."He cupped my burning cheek with his hand.
"What's your name?"The singer asked.
"Y/N...W-Why did you do that for me?"I answered him.
"Well, Y/N I cant let a cute girl like you to get taken away by a creepy guy like him now can I?"
I laughed a little while staring into his eyes.
"Plus."He started,"I wouldn't be able to take you backstage with me."He smiled brightly at me.
He then leaned in towards my ear.
"Here's a V.I.P card so you can go backstage and we can talk more, yeah?"
He whispered while giving me a card.
My eyes widen before continually nodding my head.
He giggled before patting my head and saying,
"But first I have a concert to finish so I'll see you in a bit Y/N."
And at that he left with a wink with the security guards following him back to the stage.

Well there it is.
I hope you liked it but sorry if it's pretty bad.
Anyway I will hopefully update this book later!

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