Chapter 1- one week befor m.s.-

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-3 person point of view-
Gajeel was sitting in the corner of the guild thinking about the only person in the guild that smelled like strawberries.   Yes he likes Lucy hartfillia A.K.A bunny girl for a awhile now he started liking her after the gmg he new that when her and Yukino got kidnaped. He was so angry when Natsu got to go save her and not him he has been keeping a eye on Lucy ever since.  The only person who knows about his crush is Levy surprisingly since he thought she liked him. But any way right now Lucy is siting at the bar talking to Bisca about the wedding they missed. While they are drinking a milkshake other then that nothing is happening Lilly is on the table eating a kiwi talking to levy about a new book series.
-Lucy's point of view-
Bisca is telling me who caught the flowers on her wedding day it was Kianna. While I drinking my strawberry shake the the guild front doors burst opened and followed that was Natsu and Happy.
-Natsu point of view-
When I enters the guild the amazing scent of strawberries hit me. I look for the one and only Lucy to find her at the bar sitting with Bisca talking about her wedding aww what I wouldent give to marry Lucy. - in the story more then one can be someone's mate-
-Gajeels point of view-
Natsu burst through the doors sniffing the air. Then he looks dead set on Lucy ohh I could feel the fire in side of me raging what I wouldent do to beat the shit out of him looking at what's mine that bastard. Gray walks up to Natsu " Hey pyro" " What you called me Elsa?!" " You heard me oven place!" Then they stared fighting while I gust watched then I got bored and joined them I'd like to beat up Natsu any day of the week.
-Lucy's point of view-
Well while the boys are fighting I dictated to go on a small job to pay rent I went to the request board and found one for 10,000 jewels for working at the animal shelter for two weeks. I love animals so I'll do it so I take it to Mira "Mira can I take this request?(:" "Of course Lucy this job is perrrfect for you." - see what I did their the terrible puns- Lucy goes to her house and packs two weeks worth of clothes and goes to magnolia train byes a ticket after waiting in line then got to a empty cart and sits after summoning plue "Open gate of the Canis Minor Nikora!" "Puunn pun" Lucy picked up plue then is talking to him plue is the only one who knows who Lucy likes, Lucy actually likes both Natsu and Gajeel but to shy to talk to Gajeel because she does not really talk to him but glances to him here and their but every time she does so he's looking at her with a lot of emotions I don't think he likes me she thinks to her self.
- Gajeels point of view-
When I was fighting Gray and Natsu I herd Lucy asking Mira to go on a job for TWO WEEKS!! I cant not see Lucy for two weeks dragon mating season is in a week. I then left the fight and went to Mira "Oi Mira where is that job located bunny girl went to?" "Gajeel you know I can't let out info about a job a mage went in unless it's life threatening . But if you don't mind telling me why you want to know" she ask with hearts in her eyes.
- Mira's point of view-
I so ship galu ahhhhhh please tell me he likes her that would be so perfect timing D.M.S. Is next week ahhh black hair brown eyes baby's or blond hair red eyes baby's.
-Gajeels point of view-
I blushed just a little at what Mira asked me "what no bunny girl is just a friend just at least tell me it's not a dangerous job?" I said a little nervous " No she's just on a simple job no danger" Oh thank jebus - the simpsons the movie enyone(:- so I went bake to my table and sat down this is going to be a long two weeks.
- Levys point of view-
I did have a crush on Gajeel until I found my true feelings for Jet we have been secretly going out but we don't tell Droy he would be to jealous. Any way I saw Lu-Chan leaving with a flyer I feel bad for her she doesn't even now about D.M.S and Gajeel has his eyes on her for a long time now Gajeel noticed her leaving so he left the fight ignoring the names Gray and Natsu are calling him and asked Mira something eventually he comes back sitting down with a sigh leaving his mouth I asked "How long is Lu-Chan going to be gone for?" "Two weeks." Two weeks is a long time for dragon slayer for mating season they go through pain until they mark their mate even worse if not near them and slowly loses control. " How long do you think you can last with out losing control?" " Maybe three days max." "That's not long maybe you should tell the guild so they can lock you up so you won't do anything you will regret."
-Gajeels point of view-
Maybe I should listen to shrimp she does have a point " Ya only if you put ruins where I'm at because I do get stronger so I don't need to break out and go crazy so you and Freed have to do it" I said looking her straight in the eye to make sure she know I'm serious. "Ok I'll ask Freed after you tell the guild so they understand" "Fine shrimp." Gajeel got up and went to masters office first knock knock knock he knocks three times " Come in" Gajeel walks in "Oi old man I got something to tell you" "What is it my child?" "Well next week is dragon mating season" "Go on my child" "well you see dragon slayers get affected by this as well" "Ohh I see so you Natsu, Wendy, and Laxus" "Well everyone but Wendy she's still to young but the big problem here is my mate took a two week job and D.M.S starts next week" "ohh I see so who is your mate" " L-Lucy" I say with a blush on my face "Ahh Gajeel I so ship Galu" " What's Galu?" " Dont worry about it so where is she?" " She went on a job for two weeks" " Ohh so what will happen if your not with her" " Well first all dragon slayers get 5x stronger and since she's not here and if I cant mark her I will be in pain and I will lose control unless she's their to be in my presence" "Ohh is see so do you want me to lock you up?" " Yes but can you tell the guild because I need shrimp and Freed to put a spell around me so I won't do anything I will regret" "Ok"
-Masters Point of view-
I walk out of my office with Gajeel fallowing me. I got up to the stage " Listen up brats I got to tell you something dragon mating season is coming up and for Gajeel his mate is not in the guild for the next to weeks- " Ahhhhhhh Galu she's the only one on a two week mission black hair brown eye baby's or blond hair red eye baby's ahhhhhh" " I know right Mira any way back to the point Gajeels mate is not here and when mating season comes in one week but she's gone for two and they get stronger and if not near or marking their mate they lose control so I need Freed and Levy to put up a strong spell so he wont do anything he will regret" " All right gramps"
So hope you like my story anyway do you want Natsu to say Lucy is his mate ether way this story no matter what is Lucy x Gajeel I any recommendations please tell me sorry for spelling errors bye.

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