Pandora's Box of Discovery

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As Nick was busy finally unpacking his boxes in his new apartment, Pandora watched him from a far in a bored matter.

God, watching him do this is so fucking boring! She thought to herself. But what else can I do?

As Pandora looked around the half empty apartment to find something to do, a familiar black mist started to seep out from the closest bedroom door. A grin appeared on Pandora's face, the mist being an obvious sign for her to be doing her usual job.

"You appeared?" Pandora said when she went through the bedroom door.

The blurred figure floated in front of Pandora, with a smirk easily seen on its face. "I need you to do something for me."

Pandora nodded. "I was bored and had nothing to do anyways, lay it out Boss."

Boss smiled even bigger. "I need to do some important business, but I sense that Anna needs to be checked up on at the moment."

"Anna? And why can't you do it later, Boss?" Pandora asked

Boss looked at her sternly. "You of everyone knows that when I sense something, it needs to be immediate. And Anna is the newest watcher that is in Arizona. Also, don't teleport to me for the whole day cause I will be very busy. If anything happens, tell the others or wait until tomorrow."

"Alright, Boss."

"Thank you, Pandora. I can always count on you." Boss disappeared quickly, while Pandora went to go check on her person real quick.

Nick seemed to be taking a break, taking a quick nap on the couch. Pandora grinned at her person. Perfect time to leave, I'll be back in about five. She thought when she teleported away to Arizona, with her eyes glowing yellow as she left.

-----Time Skip cause teleportation isn't immediate-----

Pandora finally was able to teleport to the right apartment after about six tries in the same building. She decided being invisible would be best just in case she ran into Anna's person or any other human in general.

She drifted around the house, finding no one, not even a human or watcher. When she finally got to the last room is when she knew something had to be there.

Pandora drifted into the room casually, then freezing mid floating to see something she knew was highly forbidden.

It was Anna and her person sleeping together, while in a very weird position. She can tell this was definitely breaking their rules, but something else about it seemed beneficial.

"Holy shit!" Pandora whispered. She never knew a watcher can have that much contact with her person, even though Pandora herself shows herself in front of her person at times.

Pandora soon saw some shuffling from Anna, seeing her wake up. Pandora stayed frozen, with Anna looking directly at her when she opened her eyes.

"What are you doing here?!" Anna whispered to Pandora. "Who are you?"

Pandora just looked at her in shock. "What the hell are you doing?! That's breaking the rules of watching!"

Anna nodded. "I know, but please, don't tell the blurred figure!"

"You mean Boss?" Pandora asked, still whispering.

Anna nodded again. "Yes, don't tell Boss!" Anna suddenly made her eyes glow a faint red. "Tell the other watchers you know that you must bond with your person or bad things will happen to both you and your person. Do it to keep yourselves safe. Tell Boss that I made contact with my person and that's it."

Anna used her power of persuasion, with it working perfectly on Pandora. "Yes, I will. I will speak to you later, you seem cool!" Pandora said with a smirk, her eyes glowing yellow and teleporting away.

Ze's eyes fluttered open and looked up at Anna with confusion. "Why are your eyes red?"

Anna looked at Ze with surprise. "It does that when I persuade people. It's like my power."

"Oh cool." Ze mumbled before falling back asleep. Anna smiled at Ze, seeing how peaceful he looks while asleep.

-----Time Skip-----

The Creature office was very busy today, with Creature Talk going on as we speak. Mione and Virginia were in Jordan's office watching the live stream, with them commenting when something with the video or audio happened to help Jordan and the others out. It was a tradition for them to do every Saturday, and any other time their person's stream.

"Your person's microphone is really quiet!" Mione pointed out to Virginia. "What's his name again?"

"You mean Dan? Yeah, it is, let me comment." Virginia typed into the chat, covering both her and Mione as the username CosmicCreature13.

A/N: It's a fake username, I think.

Jordan read the chat around the time the comment would've showed up for them, with Jordan telling Dan about the problem with his microphone. "Thanks whoever said that." Dan said when it was fixed.

Mione and Virginia laughed and high fived when the problem was fixed. "Yes! Another one fixed!" Mione exclaimed.

"You guys are pretty nifty with helping your persons' out." Pandora appeared out of nowhere, scaring Mione and Virginia.

"What the brown, Pandora?! Don't surprise me like that!" Mione exclaimed.

Pandora scoffed. "Well sorry I teleport without warning. Its pretty hard to warn people anyways."

Virginia sighed with a stifle laugh. "Well, can you tell us why you are here?"

"Cool, you do want to know. So, I met the new watcher." Pandora started to say.

"You mean that Anna watcher?" Mione asked. "The one that we've heard about from, um, who do you call her?"

"You mean Boss. And yeah, and it was quite the meeting. She actually made contact with her person!" Mione and Virginia gasped in horror. "And she wanted to tell everyone that we need to make contact with our persons cause something bad is coming and it will keep them safe or something like that."

"You're kidding!" Virginia gasped again.

Pandora shook her head. "I'm 100% serious."

"We need to have a meeting about this!" Mione exclaimed.

"But Boss is busy, along with us with Creature Talk." Virginia pointed out.

"Boss is busy right now, I'll tell her later! But I'll get everyone, and I bet by the time they come CreatureTalk will be over." Pandora said.

Virginia and Mione looked at each other with worried looks. The staring ended with Mione sighing to herself. "You're right, just go and get them. We will meet in the Prop Room again."

Pandora nodded with a smile. "Sweet! From a boring morning to the biggest afternoon! This is fucking great!" And with that, Pandora teleported away.

A/N: Long chapter OMG I'm sorry!

But ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh again!

Haha, what's going to happen at this meeting?

How will everyone react to the news of Anna?


Anyways! I must go now BYE!

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