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Silence could be an enemy or a friend, it all depended on the person. For Yoongi, it was the one of the most comforting things, whereas with Jungkook, it made him feel awkward and uncomfortable. Which is why Jungkook found himself loudly clearing his throat every few moments, eyes shifting from the pink haired man to the scenery in front of them.

"Can you shut the fuck up? That would be great." Yoongi finally snapped when the kid cleared his throat for the tenth time. He was in a particularly shitty mood, and when the kid showed up once again, he was annoyed. He had been looking forward to enjoying time to himself and have some quality time to reflect. Yet, as always, someone had to ruin it.

Jungkook couldn't help but cringe at the guys tone, flinching slightly. He had a frown on his face, pointer finger playing around with one of the buttons on his camera. He was taking pictures for his portfolio, returning to the landscape because as he was editing, he wasn't satisfied. The younger of the duo didn't respond, the strap of the camera hanging loosely around his neck. Instead of wearing a hoodie, he was dressed in a plain white shirt and black skinny jeans, hugging him nicely. Of course, there were timberlands on his feet.

Yoongi was relieved when silence consumed them once again, playing with the hem of his pure charcoal hued shirt. Unlike Jungkook, Yoongi was dressed in all black, from his jeans to his earrings. He was slightly slouched, his hand in his front pocket. The black contrasted his pale skin, bringing out his hair and lips. His expression was thoughtful, taking in a deep breath. The air was fresh and pure, making him feel at ease, till he heard the shutter of the camera. His head whipped in the direction of the lingering stranger, eyes widening when he seen the small object pointed directly at him.

Jungkook felt a wave of panic hit him, his own eyes widening. He hadn't really thought about it before snapping a picture of the male. He was extremely photogenic in Jungkook's opinion, but then he realized the bizarreness of the situation. His lips parted and closed several times, trying to find his voice, trying to defend himself.

"Delete it." Was all that Yoongi stated, tone deep in demanding. Jungkook had half expected to be cussed out, considering it's fucking weird to take a picture of someone you don't know.

"No." Jungkook responded, swallowing thickly. He genuinely didn't want to delete the photo, it was beautifully intriguing. The man's distant expression, the way the sunset hit his skin, the cherry blossom petals falling at just the correct time; it was a rare gem that Jungkook would probably never find again.

"That's fucking weird. I don't even know you—"

"I'm Jungkook." He interrupted the ethereal beauty, a smile breaking out on his face. Yoongi was thrown aback, not expecting to be interrupted, in fact it pissed him off.

"I don't give a—"

"You're quite beautiful. I'm keeping the picture." He said softly, yet again cutting the man off. Yoongi's lips parted, cheeks tinting red. The horrified expression on his face made jungkook laugh, making him look like a young child. Yoongi went to speak but lost his chance when Jungkook began to walk away. His ears were hot, heart jolting in his chest. He'd never been flirted with before, but he wasn't stupid; he knew when someone was making an advance.

Yoongi just stupidly watched as the fucker walked away, hating himself for blushing like a high school girl. Was he getting to the point where he was so desperate to feel something, that he'd even accept the attention of a man? He swallowed nervously, forcing himself to look back at the view, but it didn't feel the same anymore. Not when he was questioning his sexuality. Sure, he thought the kid was attractive yesterday, but it didn't mean he wanted to suck his dick. He let out a particularly loud groan, shaking his head.

"I'm not fucking gay."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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