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The boy stands in front of me smirking. I smile slightly at him as I started to ease up knowing that I had found a partner finally. He sits in front of me as I stared at him.

The boy looks at me with confidence. He seemed strong and promising so maybe this could end well. The boy had golden orange looking hair with a black marking near the side of his head. He looks daringly at me.

"Why would you wanna partner up with me? I mean, I'm not refusing your offer I'm just curious", I questioned.

"Well ,you have a smoking hot body and will make a great teammate because I'm hot and you're hot. We'll be the hottest team/couple that everyone's jealous of", he smirks.

In seconds I grow ill. Forget what I said this guys an idiot. No way am I teaming up with him! I'll end up killing him if I have to become his partner.

I stare at him with a dumbfounded expression. He wants to team up just because he thinks I'm hot. Wow, I've never been so embarrassed in my life. I hit my forehead and groan. No way! No way!

"Hey, Denki!",a boy yells,"find someone else to partner up with."

He walks over to us frowning as he wearers and irritated look on his face. His hair appeared snowy white hair on one side and scarlet red on the other. He looks at Denki making me feel uneasy yet happy he came to my rescue.

"I claimed her first Shōto", Denki wines.

Claimed me first? What does he think I am?!

"You can't claim her she's not something to be owned, anyway I wanna spare her from being your partner. You need to be able to work with your partner not flirt with them every chance you get that's not being much of a hero", Shōto sighs.

"Ugh! Why do you have to be so uncool?", Denki groans. He goes to get up but turns back around at me smiling toothy,"Don't worry we'll be partners soon enough."

"Oh I hope not", I mutter.

Denki walks off going over to the girl with the pink skin and Grape Juice. I look up at Shōto as he looks down at me smirking. We're staring at each other for a moment until he breaks it intensely.

"So are you gonna say something or stare at me? Because you can do both you know", he smiles.

I'm caught off guard stupidity when he speaks to me. I still end up just looking at him for another minute until he breaks my stare with a chuckle as he sits down.

"Ah! Sorry", I say as he looks down at me,"it's just..."

"It's okay", he smiles," I actually adored you staring at me. It made me feel confident."

"Really? Most people would feel very uncomfortable", I

"I don't see why? I guess their just shy people?", he smiles as he lays back into the chair.

I smile slightly,"Thanks by the way."

"For what?", he questioned.

"For getting rid of Denki", I laughed,"he was unusual."

"That's one way to say it," he chuckles,"Just a warning watch out for Denki and Minoru they're really found of cute girls. Especially, new girls."

"Noted", I smiled. I look around and see that everyone's already paired up. The only ones left is me and Shōto. He's most likely probably not partnered. I take this to my advantage.

"So do you wanna team up?", I questioned.

He chuckles,"well why do you think I came over here? I needed you as a partner. And no way was I gonna let Kacchan be your partner."

"Kacchan? The hothead right?", I question.

"Yeah that's him", he smiles.

"Why would he wanna be my partner we just meet", I asked.

"He's impossible to work with and since everyone close to him knows it he was likely gonna pick you to be his partner. Besides rumor has it he's crushing on you", Shōto informs.

My whole body shivers. Him crushing on me? I only just meet the guy and I can already tell he's the aggressive type with everyone. So why would he like me? No one has ever liked me before. My whole life people called me a freak, and a monster. They said I was hideous and I believe it, but why is it when I'm here it's the total opposite of what I've been shown my whole life?

I turn away from Shōto hiding my face I wasn't blushing or anything just tearing up slightly. I can't appear weak in front of these guys right now.

"That's weird", I started as I wipe my eyes,"no way he likes me he was just playing with me when he said I was cute."

Shōto frowns," I wouldn't say so, besides why would he lie? I've known him for a while and I don't think he's the type to just mess with a girls feelings."

"I...", I stop and fade from finishing the sentence. I can't tell him about the bullying it'll only encourage him to bully me. I sighs and discard my previous sentence,"I just know it."

"You okay? I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything I just wanted to let you know before things get out and you're not aware of it", he says.

"It's okay. I'm okay, but I can handle it", I smirk.

He smiles sympathetically as he stares at me. He seems reasoning and very understanding. He'll make a good rival, but his quirk what is it I never asked?

"Hey", I say, but at that moment Eraser Head decided to wake from his nap.

"Alright. I hope you all found a good partner to pair up with", he sighs.

At that moment Tenya decide to raise his hand,"Sir! What are we doing that involves teaming up, sir!"

Wow very formal.

"Good question", he says,"we're doing an get along experience to see how well you all are at working together. You can either be the main important hero or the sidekick which I know most of you Bakugō I'm looking at you will take over and do things yourself, again Bakugō I'm looking at you."

"I didn't even do anything," he mutters.

"No, not yet anyway pick the hero and the sidekick, well if you guys case the sidekick's", he says pointing at Izuku group," and get to know each other. It's important to have trust in the person you'll depend on the most in battle."

The bell rings intentionally letting us know it was time to leave. I get up and grab my backpack slinging it around my back. I started to walk out the classroom, but as soon as I do I'm held accounted. My shoulders feels heavy all of a sudden and my eyesight gets dizzy. The atmosphere thickens making it harder to concentrate as well as walk forwards.

I then get a splitting headache as well as weak trying to hold myself up. I try to get up but my sight gets corrupted by the dizziness and I end up just laying their for a moment.

As I'm on the floor I hear shouts and yells from people as footsteps emerged. I see Izuku first in my sight he looks worriedly at me. He starts talking, but I'm not able to hear him as he speaks.

I try saying something but my tongue is useless at talking at this moment. I try getting up again, but I'm held down by Izuku. He holds my hand as he gently pushes me back down. His face suddenly heats up as he turns away. I try to touch his face but...everything fades away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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