I will try to publish more. This app was out of my reach for a while and i want to re-connect with it. I've missed talking to all of you guys! I want to write story's but i want your guys opinions! I will be active so feel free to PM me if you'd like.
The reason i was gone for so long is because when i had changed my phone it had logged me out of my account. I had tried countless times to log into my account. Nothing seemed to work. So i logged into my account from online and it let me in. So i messed with the settings for a while and was able to log in again! I am so happy i was able to. I missed wattpad and all of you guys!Tawna~chan out!
12:50 am
May, 27, 2k18
Im Backkk
152 words.
A Book About Me
Short Storythis book explains what I think daily and why I thought it, or what brought that subject to my attention.....8D (I'm back and will publish more to this book) (Welcome back everyone)