I'm Done

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I wrote the first chapter of this book when I was twelve years old, in 8th grade.

I had a friend who told me that I should play Mystic Messenger, a game that I had no interest in. The thing was, I used been notorious for pretending to like things and being part of fandoms just so I won't lose friends. My old habits are thankfully now in the past, as I don't do that anymore.

Anyway, I wanted to stop lying, so I bothered to actually download it, just so I can see what all the hype was. Needless to say, during my first semester of school last year, I was attached to the game.

My Tumblr account gained a lot of followers after all the posts I made about the game and it's characters, but they were mostly dumb text posts which formats I copied from others. As you can tell, I loved the ship Yooseven and it was the very first ship I've invested in.

I wrote this book one night, after procrastinating on an assignment. I adore the idea of fanfiction based on songs, which is why most of my current work follows that pattern. So I got the idea to write this book.

I had no clue where to story was going. I merely had a vague idea of the format, that it would be based off songs. Soon the worked piled up, and I slowly got tired of Mystic Messenger.

I have not gotten one good ending.

I tried every route but they all ended in failure.

And it annoyed me since I wasted weeks worth of my free time, and I forced myself to wake up early to play the chat rooms, yet I didn't get any positive outcome. I recall the longest route I've played was the Bad Ending on the 10th day of Seven's route.

So I stopped. I focused on my studies. There came I time where I ignored the chat rooms in one of the routes and then I never bothered to check again.

I left the game still downloaded in case I ever wanted to play again, as if I'd change my mind one day. But I didn't. I got tired of the same pattern, and the truth is, I hated MC.

I despised her Mary Sue Character.

And yes, before you scream at me, I know how these games work and MCs are really supposed to be bland and Mary Sue-ish. But I couldn't help but be annoyed by her way of thinking and character in general.

This was all before this year.

January, I decided to try and write one more chapter but I forgot where I was going, so I decided to make some for of throwback, based on the song I loved at that time.

April, I messed around and made a fake chapter for those devoted to this book, which was a joke obviously.

May, is when I give up.

In one month I'll be going back to school. I'll be starting my first semester again. It reminds of when a whole year ago, I began my interest in being a true part of a fandom. Did I mention that MysMes was the first fandom I truly lived and joined?

And I am sorry to say that, one year after I stated writing, this book may never be completed.

The one thing keeping me from taking this book down, is that some of you enjoy this book. Some of you may want to take the idea. And that's fine.

Now that I've given up, you're free to take this concept for your own.

And if there's one this I regret, it the lies.

No, this book wouldn't be updated in a month.

No, I'm not working on any chapters.

No, I don't have an idea I'm working on.

No, I'm not joking anymore.

I'm done.

I'm sorry, but I don't like Mystic Messenger anymore. I don't like this story anymore. I tried, but I can't continue this.

I've joined new fandoms, moved to different types of content.

I'm sorry, but this book may never be finished.

I know I'm horrible for doing this.

I know that this is selfish.

But I won't lie to you all anymore.

I'm done.

If you're not angry and are willing to see my other content, my Instagram is @cringey.egg, my Tumblr is cringey-egg, my new Wattpad account is a secret, but it's made an appearance in this book.

Sorry for that shameless promotion.

But to conclude, goodbye, and thank you for reading The Soundtrack of Our Story, the book that won't be completed anymore.

I'm sorry.

I'll miss you all.

Thanks for everything.

-the author

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