Not so good first day

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A/N: First a big thanks to @_PumpkinPrincess_ for the amazing cover. Also, a picture of Demetria's character on the side. Let me know what you think


1~Not so good first day

Demetria's pov

    My head lurched up and I looked out the window when the car came to a stop. The vacation house was absolutely beautiful. To be honest it looked a lot like a log cabin.

    I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my brother Adrian sigh. He had thrown a fit about coming here for the summer because he wouldn't be able to see his girlfriend Alicia. She had completely changed my brother. Him and I used to be best friends. And now because of her we never talk anymore. To be honest I wish they'd break up so I could have my best friend back.

    Slowly, my parents got out of the car and I followed. But, Adrian stayed in the car with a pout on his face. My father went over to Adrian's side of the car and pulled the door open. Adrian looked so surprised because usually our father didn't get mad easily but, I think everyone was sick of Adrian's attitude.  

    "This is a family trip. There's a reason we came on the trip. So quit pouting just because your girlfriend isn't here." My father said to Adrian.

    "Yes sir." Adrian mumbled while looking at the ground.

    "Also, you're not going to be texting the whole time we are here either." My father demanded.

    All Adrian did was nod his head and look at the ground as our parents got our luggage out of the trunk. When I tried to speak to him all he did was shake his head and walk closer to the vacation house. It was times like this that I missed having my brother as my best friend.

    "Honey, you ok?" My mother said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

    "Yeah." I said, blinking away the tears that had formed in my eyes.

          "You sure?" She asked in a worried tone.

    "I'm sure. Can I go to the beach when I'm done unpacking?" I asked, changing the subject.

    "Sure honey." She replied when she handed me my bag.

    I rushed around the house trying to find my favorite room when I found a room that was midnight blue and silver. Which were my favorite colors. When I sat on the bed I let out a sigh of relief. I was just glad we came on this vacation because I really had to get away. Back in my hometown I was bullied by everybody and I don't have any friends since Adrian ditched me. That's also when my severe depression started.

    I unzipped my back and went through everything inside. Finally I found my favorite bikini, the bottoms were completely navy blue and the top was strapless with dark blue designs on it. Then, I picked out a crop top with a tiger on it and floral print shorts to wear over them as I walked to the beach. Quickly, I got dressed and rushed downstairs to see my parents and brother arguing.

    I shook my head at them and grabbed my bag and flip flops and walked out the door. Honestly, the only reason I wanted to go to the beach because I didn't want to hear Adrian whining about his girlfriend. That's probably why all of them were arguing when I left.

    It didn't take me long to walk to the local beach but when I got there it was full of people. I found a somewhat shady area where I sat my stuff and I pulled off the shirt and shorts. Swimming had always been a hobby of mine but, usually I would just swim in the pool we owned. I have never swam in a lake or ocean.

    Slowly, I approached the water and just put my feet in at first. I was surprised when I discovered the water was actually kind of warm. The temperature of the water felt soothing to me so I walked in a little farther. Soon the water was up to my waist and again I couldn't help but swim in farther. I was so far in that my feet didn't touch the sand at the bottom when the yells and screams started.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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