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Year : 1295

Never in your current years of life have you hated someone so passionately. Just recently you were made aware of the situation that Cordelia was attempting to put both yourself and your mate into. In all honesty it was taking you every fibre of your being to not slaughter the bitch.
But, nevertheless here you are pacing the living room of both yours and your mates estate, with a snarl pasted on your face. This was until a knock resonate through thee room.
“Yes what is it?” Your question help tamed anger that was going to snap if that bitch was behind it.

“Daddy, are you okay?” The voice was that of your boy and he seemed very much concerned.

“Yes, Khail and I are worried.” That defiantly made you aware of who was behind the door didn’t it?

Despite your anger a small smile found its way onto your face at the voices of your son's.  You walked across  the room to open the door and saw both of your son’s looking sheepish.

Khail :

Khail :

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Azel :

“I’m fine my son’s

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“I’m fine my son’s. Are you?" Both the boys gave you a look that was blunt and stated ‘what do you think?’. This caused you to bellow out a laugh that was infections as the two seven-year-olds laughter with you.

“ln all honesty daddy, I’m not. Because that ‘Cordelia’ is trying to touch mummy inappropriately.” Khail stated as if he were terrified of your reaction. Furthermore, this also caused Azel to shiver somewhat.

That one statement, had caused the temperature in the room drop to drastically.
“Where is that Fucking Bitch.” Fuelled by nothing but rage you stormed past you sons through the corridors and to the garden were she was last seen.

And there she was attempting to sway your mate with words just for a kiss, as her hands got dangerously low to his crotch.

“Excuse me but that’s my husband you are touching.” Storming over you ensured that you grabbed Cordelia's wrist painful as you harshly yanked her away from your mate and husband. She let out a startled pain sound, whilst Richter released a sound of relief and looked at you with ‘those’ eyes.

This made you swallow deeply as you knew what it meant. You only sent him a look with caused him to bloom a rose pink on his cheeks.

“Let go of me Y/N!” She was clawing at the hand that hand imprisoned hers, like a deadly vice.

This caused you to snarl even more as she attempted to free herself. This noise caught her attention because she seemed to hesitate at carrying on briefly.

“Try flirting with my mate again and I’ll kill you before the triplets do!” Flinging her slight towards a set of rose bushes you strode towards your mate and nuzzled the side in which your mate mark resided. He allowed a whimper to slip through his lips when you started to suckle on it.
Cordelia was left to leave on her own devices as you carried on action like leech on your mates neck as he whined at you to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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