IM A NEW PERSON:I found out

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When I woke up he was gone and so was my clothes. I though he just robed me and left me here alone. So I got a towel and wrapped it around me and went down stairs and saw ray ray he just took my clothes out the dryer and was ready to bring them back up stairs. He said(hey look your not the only one OK don't feel alone OK this is normal OK here's your clothes prince is making breakfast OK) I said(OK...thanks ray and it smells good thanks OK....) he smiled and kissed my forehead and walked towards the living-room.

When I came back down stairs I saw Princeton at the bottom. I hug him and he kissed me on my lips oh so soft. I figured I should change my look a little so I went in the closet and found some nice clothes for girls I guess I wasn't the only one cause these where in dated and everything I grabbed a bad ass outfit as my mommy used to call it as she used to go to Taboo and say in 18 cause always looked older then I really am. I went down stairs prod seemed shocked ray ray looked lost roc royal looked flirtation and stuff and princeton was just like he saw this coming of something


<div><div><a><img /></a></div></div><br/><div><small><a>Outfit #2</a> by <a>kay-ah102</a> featuring <a>true religion shorts</a></small></div>

We all went in the car and went to school.Everyone looking like I was a new student or something I just looked and smiled while I was hanging with the new boyz.During 7th phase 3 jocks asked me out and I denied the offer and went on. A few girls tried to befriend me but i just ignored them nodded and laughed in my mind!

After while I met the boys outside and made plains to go out somewhere to dance. When we were driving back to the house I asked what countrey I was from they just ignored me and changed the subject. They told me that after me and the other girls meet we all change people who ever wants who. Was I sure if I wanted this any more. Prodigy was my so called brother and so was ray ray but roc royal couldnt just take his eyes off me but I just tryed to blocked out his eyes but it was just confusing still I mean my country was crazy sex scandals were popular but my mother why would she want this for me I thought the whole reason for coming here was to protect me but now they got immigrant sex bounty hunters wtf prince n I are starting to dig one another but he can't we can't n these other girls ... I mean am I sick there not my family what's wrong with me this fantasy of raw wet rough sex with a sexy ass boy is great but I had plains to ... Grow have a family have a career in which I want not be a sex slave get inprexgnanted by my bounty hunter and put my son or daughter through this my son to rape women my daughter to get raped by some man who could be her Father these girls I cannot trust all these mixed emotion ....

What shall come from these fucking myself up with sex or run for evere save these girls or leave them behinds

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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