That One Summer.....

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Chapter One:

I opened my eyes to see myself lying in a hospital bed my mum with her hand in my hand and resting with her head on my bed I look around and see there are more people in the room but scattered around sleeping in other areas wondering who they are......

A week earlier:

*beep beep beep*

"ugh stupid alarm..." i say as i press the snooze button and get out of bed today was the last day of school I was excited to leave the classroom and homework behind,but sad to let go of my friends it was my senior year we would all go to different colleges and move on with our lives. Some relationships end up as marriages and others would becpme "just friends" it was an emotional day for me the quicker the day went the better...

"Ayesha hurry up you're getting late Josh is going to be here any moment " i heard my mum yell from downstairs

Josh was my former boyfriend a guy with a great smile, simples, dreamy brown eyes,and dark brown hair we were happy together the perfect couple in my head.  I hurried downstairs grabbed a piece of toast and head outside where Josh was waiting in his red mustang.

"Hey babe," Josh said

i replied with a kiss we drove to school when he said

"Ayesha i know we have been a couple for a while and I love you and all.." I knew where this was going hhe was going to break up with me "What i'm trying to say it I think since we're going to different colleges and we all need to move on with life  what i'm trying to say is I think we should break-up and find other people I hope you understand i'm sorry babe" he said there was a long silence for about 5 minutes until i said

 "Stop the car."

"What?" Josh asked confused as ever

"I said STOP THE CAR" i yelled fiercley

he immediatley stopped I stepped out and walked along

"Where are you going? Ayesha stop this is foolish you can't walk 10 blocks alone you'll also miss first bell" Josh said

"I can.....not like you would care about my safety anyway just leave me okay?" I said with a tearful voice

he drove off tears were streaming down my face like a flood i couldn't stop them all that we've been through together it was too much to handle for me. I could see my school just 2 blocks away i wiped the tears off my afce and checked myself to make sure i didn't look as if i was crying as I walk over i see my friends in a group and Josh i slowly walk past them when

"Hey Ayesha we're over here about to go and paint Mr.Robinson's car " my friend Kara says

"I have to go and ask Mrs.Roseberry something sorry i'll catch up with you later" I lie

"You can do that later come on" Kara pleads but i move on anyway

the whole day i try to avoid the talk or sight of Josh in anyway possible not wanting to get all teary infront of everyone. But it seems to be impossible when some of his friends come over and start asking me if i'm going to the big game tonight. Joshw as the quarter back and I always went to his game i lie my way out of eveything that day when i got home i rushed up stairs to my bedroom and cried until my mum came up and started questioning as if she was part of the F.B.I

"Ayesha sweetie what's wrong?" she asked

I told her all that had happened today and she tried comforting me but it was no help....she left and i turned on my One Direction cd they always made me feel better no matter what.I remembered that tonight i was going tot heir concert with Kara so I got ready when i heard a car horn i rushed outside where i saw Kara, and Josh waiting for me.

"What's he doing here?" I ask

"oh Josh is dropping us and picking us up from the concert." Kara replied

I gave her a 'what was the need he's a total jerk look'and got in i was silent the whole way whereas Kara kept on trying to get me and Josh to speak to each other. An hour later we arrived to the key arena we entered slowly taking everything in since we couldn't help our emotions it had been 5 years we waited for these tickets......

"I'm going to head and see what it looks like from the front okay?" Kara said leaving

"Okay i'll be here"

"Hey," i heard a familiar voice behind me say

i turned around to see Zayn Malik standing behind me

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