I Dare You to Stay

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The sound of my alarm woke me up, as it did every morning. I opened my eyes unwillingly, rolling over and slapping the snooze button. I yawned, stretching my arms over my head, then promptly let them fall back down on the bed. My eyes, as usual, strayed over to the poster next to my bed. Dark brown eyes stared back at me.

I sighed, my smile breaking free. Today was the day. The day I had been looking forward to for almost six months. Today was was the day that I, Alena Maire Henry, was going to meet the one and only, Nick Jonas.

I squealed excitedly, jumping out of bed to greet the day.

I had stumbled across the Jonas Brothers a few years back. It was a complete accident, actually. I had ordered a CD off line and when it came in the mail, it turns out that they had sent me the wrong CD. Instead of the Nickelback one I had ordered, they sent me one of a band I had never even heard of.

For some reason though, I decided to open it anyway, give it a try. I was always one for new music, never turning down the chance of discovering something new.

So I headed back into the house, opened the CD, plopped it into the CD player and the minute I heard his beautiful voice blast through the speakers, I was in love.

That CD was the soundtrack of my life for almost three months. It was all that I listened to, all that I sang and all that I cared about. I eventually bought some more CD’s and did some research on them, basically becoming obsessed with them. I was hooked.

Then one day, I stumbled across his picture, and I fell in love all over again. From what I read about him in magazines, he was a total sweetheart, but totally shy and quite. I thought it was cute.

Eventually I had posters on my wall, I followed them on Twitter, liked them on Facebook and bought all their CD’s.

I liked them together, but individually, Nick was my favorite.

I had a crush on him from the moment I saw him, and had been dreaming about meeting him ever since.

His dark brown eyes, dark curly hair, sweet smile, and beautiful voice made me smile every time.

After I took my shower, I headed over to my closet, picking out the perfect outfit. I settled on a simple jeans and a t-shirt, cute but casual. After slipping on my signature converse, I headed into the bathroom to do my hair.

I sighed when I looked in the mirror. My hair, as usual, didn’t want to behave. My curls were wild as ever, like usual. I decided to just put some Frizz-Ez into my hair, leaving it do whatever it wanted.

After doing my make-up I grabbed my key’s, CD and headed out the door, not before I told my mom where I was going.

I may be seventeen, but I still had to tell my mom where I was going.


I pulled into my best friends drive way, honking the hour to announce my arrival. She came bounding out of the house, shouting over shoulder to her mom.

I giggled, shaking my head.

Casey was my best friend and partner in crime. We’ve known each other since we were in kindergarten and had been inseparable since. She, along with me, was a huge Jonas Brother’s fan. But unlike me, she preferred Kevin instead of Nick.

She practically bounced out the door and into my car, slamming the door behind her.

I winced, “Dude, seriously, how many times must I tell you not slam my door?”

She gave me a bright smile, “As always, one more time. But we have more important things to worry about, we’re gonna meet the Jonas Brothers!” she shrieked.

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