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“Can I-uh give you a hug?” she asked me shyly, a blush spreading across her cheeks. I nodded, giving her a smile. She gave me a bright smile as I stood up and wrapped her in my arms, hers going around my waist. She smelled good, sweet, like vanilla. It made me smile slightly. It seemed to fit her personality.

She pulled away first, looking down, biting her lip. She looked deep in thought about something, her eyes flicking up to meet mine. Her eyes were beautiful, a rich chocolate brown, shining with nerves. If I didn’t look away now I thought I would get lost in them.

Just as I was about to look away, she leaned up and before I could stop her, her lips landed on mine. It only lasted about three seconds, but it was long enough for me to feel the softness of her lips, taste her strawberry lip gloss, smell her vanilla scented hair. It was short enough to make me wonder if it really happened, but it was long enough to make me want more.

Just as quick as it happened, it was over. I watched, shocked as she grabbed her friends hand and bolted out the door, not looking back.

I touched my fingers to my lips, staring after her.

What the hell just happened?

“Nick? Are you alright man?” My brother’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over at them and knew they saw the whole thing.

“Yeah, I’m-“ I looked down at the table, noticing the CD she had left in her haste to get out of here, “I’ll be right back.”

“Nick? Where are you going?” Joe asked, confused.

I ignored him and ran out of the bookstore, ignoring the whispers and squeals of fan girls. I looked over to the right and recognized the head of curls flying in the wind. They stopped suddenly, leaning up against a car that looked like it had seen better days. She threw her head back and laughed, her eyes sparkling with humor and shock, I’m assuming at what she just did. Her friend joined in a minute later, and they didn’t stop for almost five minutes. When they finally settled down, her friend asked her something, causing her to blush.

Curious, I moved in a little closer, but stayed out of view.

Whoa, Nick. Stalker much? I thought to myself, scoffing slightly.

I was close enough to hear her response.

“It was…so perfect.” She whispered breathily. Her friend laughed.

“Aw, I think my wittle Awie is in love.” She teased, giggling.

So they were talking about the kiss, and if the blush on her cheeks was any indication she enjoyed as much as I did.

She scoffed, “ Please I don’t even know him,” but her shoulders suddenly tensed, and when she spoke again, there was a hint of panic in her voice, “do you think he’s mad? God he probably thinks I’m some psychotic stalker chick.”

Before her friend could respond, I spoke up,

“Nah, I’ve seen way worse.”

She froze and so did her friend. She looked up at her friend as if trying to confirm what she knew was true. It seemed like forever before she finally turned around, her eyes slowly meeting mine.

I smiled at her, amused.

“I mean, all you did was kiss me, I’ve had girls try to sneak into my dressing room to seduce me,” I gave her another smile, “so I wouldn’t exactly call you a psychotic stalker chick.”

She blushed, looking back down at the ground. I resisted the urge to put my finger under her chin, just so I could see those pretty brown eyes.

“But,” I continued, sensing the only way I could get her to talk was to tease her a little more, “at least those won’t be front page news and on the cover of every magazine in the nation.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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