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CHLOE, WITH THE HELP OF NATASHA, STARTED TO QUICKLY CHANGE INTO SHORTS AND A T-SHIRT. Considering the cast, there was no way the two girls would be able to get some pants on her anytime soon. They worked together in a fast motion so Natasha could get Chloe out of the hospital before a doctor ended up walking into the room to see her help a patient escape. Chloe huffed after they finally got the shorts up over the cast leaving only the shirt to put on which was a quick and easy motion.

Natasha left for a quick second while Chloe put her shirt on and a shoe on her foot that could hold on. The red-haired girl soon appeared back holding some crutches as she kept glancing at the door. "Damn, I forgot I needed those." She muttered before complying to the crutches. She adjusted the uncomfortable padding on her underarms and started to hop her way to the door when Natasha suddenly slowed her down.

She furrowed her eyebrows at the motion and watched as she stuck her head out. There were no sounds coming from the hallway which most likely meant no one was out there. "There are no sounds in this hallway, Nat. I think the coast is clear."

"Yeah, well, we still have to be safe. Tony has this place down with people who will keep you here and I, for one, do not want that happening. Steve might kill me if they keep you here since Tony could send you to the cells where the rest of Cap's team is." She responded before motioning for her to step out and follow her. Natasha was walking fastly while Chloe struggled behind her to go fast enough on the crutches. Crutches slowed her down which is why she always hated them along with them being super uncomfortable.

"You mean Sam and the rest of them are locked up in jail?" Chloe sneered as she caught up with Natasha finally, getting a hang of the crutches.

"It's more of a jail for superheroes. Well, people who just have powers. The cells keep them from being able to use the powers against anybody in the place." Natasha explained as the dodged people everywhere they went. "Oh, and it's underwater."

"Underwater? Yeah, I can't do that. I'd feel like I'm suffocating every second and at that point, I wouldn't even be surprised if I actually was." She rolled her eyes as they hid in a closet. The sounds of doctors and nurses caught her attention as they walked loudly by the room. Instead of continuing to walk, they stopped in front of the door to talk which only bugged Natasha more than she already was.

Chloe's leg started to hurt the more she stood, so she had to put more pressure on her other leg as much as she didn't want to. Her back was against the wall as she closed her eyes and exhaled quietly to try and relax her mind. She prayed that by not thinking about the pain, it would go away and she'd be fine to see Steve and Bucky. She wanted to see them. She needed to see them. Just to know that the duo was safe and in good condition where she didn't have to worry herself so much.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she inhaled and exhaled slowly, quietly. The sound of footsteps went down the hall prompting Natasha to crack the door open to look out. "Okay, we're clear." She spoke up looking over at the girl who was clearly in pain with just her leg. "I can take you back to your room if you want."

"No, no. I have to see them." Chloe shook her head, straightening up. She grabbed her crutches and adjusted them under her arms again, giving Natasha a reassuring smile. Natasha opened the door wide enough for both of them to sneak out and go down the hall they were once going. Chloe pushed herself even more just dying to get out of the hospital, out of hiding in closets.

"You just want to know if Bucky is okay because you care about him. You care about him just like Steve and it's incredible to see the amount of love you guys cherish for this man." She sighed, giving a look off to the crippled girl. Instead of responding, the blonde kept going on right next to Natasha. Yes, she cared about him but definitely not as much as Steve. Chloe went to the tribute for Captain America and learned things about Steve and Bucky's relationship that made her heart melt. They were best friends, and HYDRA took that away from them. Now it felt like the universe was taking them away from her.

The two stopped in an empty hallway to catch a breath and a break from walking so fast. Chloe and Natasha were in front of each other leaning on separate walls. "We're close." Natasha explained looking at the girl with sympathetic eyes. She could see that the girl was hurting and just wanted to sit down instead of standing or walking for forever. "I can go get a wheelchair, Chloe. You don't have to push yourself for this."

"No, there's no time."

"Yes there is."

"No!" Chloe snapped at the girl. She instantly felt bad about her snapping and sighed before slouching again. "I'm sorry, but it hurts. I know there is time, and the pain is just getting to my head. Ignore me and lets just get to the jet." She breathed out before setting foot once again on the trek towards the doors. Of course she wasn't walking considering what she was doing was more of hopping in some eyes.

Natasha went ahead of the girl as they approached the doors and held the door open for her to get through. Chloe's eyes were trained on her steps when she looked up and seen the jet. The engine of it rumbled making her take a deep breath and look over at Natasha. "See you on the other side." She smiled and hopped onto the jet, strapping herself down in a seat to be safe as it took off into the air.

author's note!
one. more. chapter. AHAHAHAHAHA. thank you all for sticking with this book and i hope you enjoy the sequel if you enjoyed this book. i do need some help though with the second book. should it be an au type book where it's her in wakanda with him BEFORE infinity war or should it be set in infinity war? leave some comments please!!

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