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The attack on the club came as a surprise. This was the first time the other clubs were so desperate to save their member.

Last night she tried to play innocent.

I expected that from the girl; she after all had the guts to send letter to me via the man I sent to kidnap her. She is smart and knows how to use every factor in her favor.

I won’t let her escape so easily.

I moved stealthily through the corridors I knew like the back of my hand.

These attackers don’t really have a chance to do something other than be killed. They shouldn’t have tried to corner the lion in his own den.




I saw the girl moving through the corridor trying to blend in, but she moved deeper in the club rather than making a run for the gates.

The structure of all the clubs are almost same, she should be aware of where she is heading to and she is moving towards the head room of the club that happens to be the room of the head of a gang.

Don’t ask me why but when all the gangs were formed the clubs were made copying the design of the same head club which belonged to that time leader of all the gang.

The head gang vanished but it’s still the same club structure and same way the gang hierarchy resided in it.

Basement is two floored; lower basement for locking people up and upper for weapons and training. Ground flood shows off a lavish bar. First floor resides the less important or new gang members and second floor for more important or old gang members. Third floor is for my inner circle and fourth floor is all for me.

I ordered that girl to be stored in the spare room on my floor. I wanted to be able to keep a personal vigilance on her. A girl as sharp as her can’t be left in a room without proper precautions.

And I was right. She had somehow managed to cause an attack on my club, The Night Vizard. The most feared club of the city.

And now she is trying to creep into my room to get the information about the club.




I was about to step out of the shadow concealing me when I saw the only attacker left charge into my room.

Got you…

My clubs layout might be same but the security system is new. They can never open a window or any door of my room for that matter of fact unless they can pass an instruction in my voice.

Yes sir everything in my room has a speech detection security.

I tapped the button on my Bluetooth headset “Julio, bring your most trusted men to my room we have the fish in the net.”







My men had my room surrounded in a blink and I kicked the door open.

Only to find the most absurd thing happening.

The girl was trying to fight off the attacker while he had his gun pointed on her head and her body in front of him like she was his shield.

Weren’t they on the same side?

Why was he behaving like he can get his freedom if he bargained her.

“Put your weapon down or I’ll put a hole in your girlfriend’s pretty head Kiyan.” He said trying to control a kicking girl in his headlock.

Julio stiffened beside me.

“Girlfriend..? I…” she started to say.

“You shut up girl.” He said and butted the gun on her jaw.

The force of the blow almost threw her but the strong grip attacker had her in kept her in place.

I will have to give this girl credit; she can think really fast. Now she is pretending to be a victim.

“Kill her if you want but if you think I’ll let you go… then you are wrong.” I said and the attacker looked genuinely confused.

God how has Marcus got these good gang member; they almost had me believe they don’t know each other.

I pulled my trigger and it went straight to the attacker’s shoulder loosening his grip on the girl.

The girl startled by the gun shot jumped into the corner of my room, another shot on his hand and the attacker was weapon and defense less.

“Pick up the girl and put her back in her room and this wannabe goes in the lockup. Give him our best treatment.”







 “Kiyan I have to talk to you, it’s urgent.” Julio said as soon as we were alone.

“What happened?”

 The serious look on his face had me concerned.

It’s rare for Julio to be somber. He takes everything with a smug grin.

“I spread the rumor that Deeva is your girlfriend.”

“You did what?”

  “Look Kiyan don’t get angry, I was suspicious we had a turn coat among us. I had to be sure about it; I can’t just shout out that we have a traitor when even I am not sure about it. I knew that every other gang will try to take advantage of the fact that you have a girlfriend and only most of our trusted members were aware who this girl actually was.

  As soon as club knew you had a girl all locked up on your floor they were curious and I spread the rumor that you liked a girl and when she resisted you had her kidnapped.” He took a deep breath. “And my suspicion was right we do have a leak.”

I went to the couch and lit up a cigarette. “How do you know that the girl is not playing us all?” 

Julio rolled his eyes “Let’s assume for a single wild second that she had it all planned. That tiny little kitten had planned everything from writing it on our wall to being kidnapped and my spreading the rumor that she is your girlfriend. Then tell me oh mighty friend of mine how did her plan of stealing all the gang stats from your room failed. Then again why would she plan it all when she can always hack into our system or make others who are more up for the task break into your room?”

“That’s the point Julio. She wants no one to know what she is doing. She wants to come out of it as an innocent bystander.”

“Well then she is doing a freaking great job because her background is as clean as a civilian. There is no way to trace her to any of the gangs, up till her last seven generations.”  He sat on the next couch and placed his feet on the table “She can be anything Kiyan; A master mind or an innocent. And I will bet my money on innocent bystander”

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