How you meet (Jaime Lannister)

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Hungry. This is all that was running through your mind, your need for some form of nutrition besides scraps. You had your scarf wrapped up so it would cover your lips to at least try to keep your identity hidden without looking suspicious. You came to King's Landing with your sister Sansa but a couple nights after your father was beheaded you escaped much to the Lannister's dismay. You had only met Cersei and her son Joffrey but that was enough Lannister to last you a life time, you had no interest in any of them.

The only reason you stayed in King's Landing was to make sure Sansa wasn't in too much danger with Joffrey but you truly had no way of knowing besides street side gossip. So you not only had to worry about getting caught but also worrying about whether or not Sansa is safe. You didn't even want to start to think of how your other sibling were fairing.

The streets seemed more crowded today which benefits you because now you could get something other than scraps to eat. You walked past a stand with fruit and decided that might be your best bet. You walked up and looked at the apples. When you found 3 that looked good enough you made sure the seller was busy before you shoved them into the layer under the outside layer of your dress where you had sewn a holder.

"Now what do you think you're doing?" You turned around and gasped to find Jaime Lannister, the king slayer, with his sword an inch from your throat, "You know what will happen if you are caught stealing milady," You were more worried about if he recognized you but as you looked at him you saw no recognition in his eyes. You let out a sign of relief before realizing what you had done.

"What is your name?" You frowned at him and didn't answer. You would rather be thought deaf or mute before telling him that information.

"Alright if that's how it is going to be, I'll escort you to the king myself and see what he wants to have done with you," Your eyes widen and he smirked at that before grabbing your arms and tying them behind your back.

You were screwed.


When you arrived outside the throne room you started to panic looking for anyway to get out of this.

"Please don't do this. He will kill me," Jaime looked at you and smirked, "Oh now she wants to talk. I would have happily cut your hand off and been done with you but you had to take it here," You looked at him pleadingly, "Please I will do anything just don't let him see me." He ignored you and just walked into the throne room with you. They wouldn't recognize you right away because you did give yourself a hair cut and looked a little worse for wear, with dirt streaking your face and your now shoulder length hair pulled up in a scarf.

"Uncle, what is this filth doing in my throne room?" You physically felt ill hearing his voice but kept your eyes downcast knowing Sansa had to be in this room too.

"I caught this one stealing from the market and she refused to answer my questions."

Joffrey just hummed and got up walking towards you. You tensed. Finally the dreaded moment when he grabbed your chin and forced you to look up. His once stony face then turned to shock. You could hear multiple gasps probably from Cersei and Sansa.

Joffrey then schooled his features and smirked, "Ah (y/n) Stark finally makes it back to us. How fun." You looked behind Joffrey and saw Sansa, she looked so beaten down and the hurt she looked at you with killed you if you could only have a second to explain. Then there was Cersei she looked very smug. You wouldn't last the night. You couldn't stand looking at them any longer and turned your face to Jaime. He was already staring at you with wide eyes and you wouldn't want to get your hopes up but almost regret?

"I can't say I will show you any mercy, but I will say you won't lose your life."

You started grinding your teeth together in an effort to not cry, you would not let Joffrey or Cersei have the satisfaction.

"Take her to the dungeons. I will find a way to deal with her later." You looked away from Jaime and before the other guards could take you he said, "Allow me. If I could escort her alone all the way here I can escort her a little farther." He roughly grabbed your elbows and started to drag you out, "Sansa I'm sorry!" You shouted before the door closed. He started dragging you until you hit a barren hallway. He then spun you around so you were facing him, "Why didn't you tell me?" "Why should I have? You were a Lannister and I don't know if you had heard lately but you want me either dead or alive and to be honest with you I would prefer death over whatever cruel thing Joffrey has planned." You hissed out. He looked a little taken aback.

"You are young, I would not have brought you here if I had known." It was now your turn to be shocked, "Why?" He suddenly looked so tired, "You just had your 16th name day and that is just not enough time." You were speechless, you had never known the king slayer had a heart.

"I cannot help you now but I can possibly let his punishment be less harsh." You nodded slowly and looked up at him in wonder. He nodded once and then proceeded to take you to the dungeon.

When you arrived he cut the ropes and replaced them with shackles but they were not tight like most would have set them. He then locked the door but before he could leave you hurried to the bars and called out for him, he turned around.

"Thank you Jaime."

Something changed in his eyes for a second and then he went back to his unreadable face and nodded curtly, "I will be back soon."

Then he left and you sat trying to plan a way out.

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