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I feel really light. Puffy. Every sensation is only a trace of what it used to be. It’s exhilarating.

Then I see I’m still clutching Unda’s clammy hand and I let it fall in disgust.

Everything around me is… muted. Grayscale.

Boring, too. I decide to have a look around.

At first I’m putting way too much weight in my steps and I fall forward and stumble around a lot. But then I learn how to get around without bumping into things. That’s when I knock heads with a stranger.

…I said things, not people.

I rub my head. I can’t feel things as much in this place but it still hurts like crazy. Suddenly there’s the really high-pitched voice of someone who doesn’t know when to stop babbling:

“Oh! Oh, sorry! I’m so sorry! Are you okay? I just got here and I wanted to see what it’s like here and then I’m seeing everything and then BAM you’re here and now we’re both here and-”

How can anyone talk for so long without breathing?

“–I just hope you’re okay; I mean, I didn’t mean to do that I really didn’t it was an accident-”

Like I’d bump into her on purpose.

“My name is Stagnum; what’s yours?” she asks. I’m grateful for the pause that follows, but I still have to answer her question.

“My name is Aqua. I also just arrived… wherever ‘here’ is.” ‘Here’ is too misty but it’s also too dry for my liking, and I can’t define any real key features. I’ve been here before I can’t remember.

“Aqua? I know you! Well, not really but… We’re going to be Deposition Partners!” Deposition Partners? Me? Her? The whole Cycle is already an unpleasant experience; I’m wondering if I can’t change things up a little and pick my own Partner this time, but I’ve never been able to. It’s highly doubtful. I wonder where Unda is now; maybe we can make amends. I’d prefer anything over this constant babbling.

Yes, she’s been talking this whole time.

“-so I know that Deposition is when we, the vapor, turn straight to ice; I mean, we aren’t even a liquid we just go right into ice and after that we’ll go back to normal again and that’s called Melting; that sounds like it hurts-- you’ll hold my hand, right?”


“Okay, great! ‘Cause-” Blah, blah, blah. We walk and she talks all the way to the Ready Room where we will wait to be Deposited.

It is not great.

It’s horrible.

It starts all of the sudden, it’s like Deposition in T-Minus 1 second and it hits me. The weight is pressing down on me and I wish I was holding Stagnum’s hand. It’s so cold. And heavy. Stiff. I can’t feel my fingers and my limbs feel like lead. So cold. Why’s it so heavy? And I can’t move an inch. A sense of panic starts to rise and I try to concentrate but all I can think is Cold Heavy Stiff Cold Heavy Stiff Cold Heavy Stiff Cold Heavy Stiff-


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