"Goodmorning baby girl" i heard my mom say in a sing song voice.
God i hate when she does that. "I'm up I have an alarm clock I don't need you all in my face every damn morning like ughhh so annoying i swear" i replied to her.
"Some of you may ask why do you talk yo your mom that way?" Well i tell you when your mom is so doped up on drugs and thinks its ok for any and everybody to touch they're child is ok and abuses you and all of a sudden decides to get clean and "make a mends" as she puts it your supposed to shower her with live and forget all about the pain and the hurt she caused...Yea right
"Don't talk too me that way I'm still your mother" she says with hurt in her throat
"MY MOTHER, I question her MY MOTHER, a "Mother doesn't let her child get tossed around from every tom dick and harry" You will never be my mother your just some BITCH that gave to me.
She raised her hand and smacked me across the face, she must have realized what she she did because she quickly removed her hands and pulled them to her face "Charity I'm soo..." i raised my hand and said "Save it for someone who cares, Let me hurry up and get the hell out of here!"
"But Charity baby let momma see your face"
"Bitch stay the fuck away from me, I fucking hate you! I wish you would just go to hell already...I can't wait till I'm 18 and can get the hell out of here!!
"Charity you don't mean that..I'm your momma baby girl don't you have any good memories of me?"
"No..now if you'd excuse me I have to get too school..I'll be home when i'm ready to come home"
I rushed out the door and down the steps of our brown stone too walk too the bus stop too meet my two best friends.
As I was walking I seen a nice 2014 Range Rover riding pass..in the back of my mind I was thinking who bring a nice car like that on this side of town...
I made it too the bus stop when my besties was walking up "HEY BITCH" Aaron ratchet self screamed "Nigga why yo ass always screaming"Charriea asked sounding just as Ratchet "Tuh bruh I'm GROWN you better act like you know" he said flipping his strings on his Beyoncé hoodie. "Alright ya"ll cut it out lol its always something with you two lol but I will say ya"ll keep my mornings on point" I said flipping my hair to the other side forgetting about my bruise till I heard my best friends exclaim at the same time " ALL HELL NAW IMMA FUCK THAT BITCH UP"!! I covered my face with a quickness and held my face down n shame..

Me My Thug and I
ספרות נוערCharity is a 17 year old girl who had to grow up early. With her mother being on drugs and not getting a chance to meet her daddy before he left her drug addicted momma. Charity has to go through multiple struggles the only people who know her strug...