Chapter 1: An obvious choice

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A/N: This is the story from my account from I decided to put it on here because I have better access, just like I said on, the chapters will be longer. I will also switch POV's but its mostly in 3rd POV and Rin's because this is her story. Picture of Rin, she's older.


Rin's P.O.V.


I don't remember much about my childhood. I know that my family was killed by thieves, though I do not remember their faces much less their names. Also, I was saved by Lord Sesshomaru when I was mauled to death by wolves. Death was a weird thing to experience. There is no white light like the myths nor is there flashes of your life playing before your eyes. No, there isn't anything like that. It's cold and dark. That's all there is to know, coldness and blackness surrounding you, embracing your very soul. At the moment the wolves were chasing me, I knew I was going to die. Death is inevitable but never did I imagine the beautiful daiyoukai with silver white hair like the glow of the moon and sun golden orbs would revive me. Reviving me was like when someone throws cold water at your face when you are in deep slumber, it came as a shock.

Ever since then, I've followed my lord everywhere, considering that he hates humans and always has a stoic face on, I do not know why he let's me follow him. He didn't seem to mind and he let me fend for myself, only saving me if I was in danger. I was about 9 when Inuyasha, his companions and my lord defeated Naraku. When I was 11, Lord Sesshomaru suddenly told me to stay in Lady Kaede's village. I protested at first but I knew everything my Lord has done, meant something. There were many children to play with. Also, Lady Kaede and Jenenji taught me about herbs and medicinal plants. I've always had fun in the village but... It always felt I was missing something.

Days passed and eventually, everyone grew up. 7 years since I've been left in this village and everyday, I wonder when Lord Sesshomaru will come back for me.The village hasn't changed, the same old paths, same old forest, yet there are different people coming and going, old and new families, children being born, and of course, the people getting married. Currently, I was making my way down to Lady Kaede's hut, she's said earlier that she has something important to discuss with me.

"Rin!" I heard from above, looking up, I saw Kohaku sitting on a floating Kirara. Kohaku is still demon slaying, along with Inuyasha and Miroku. He wasn't that same boy when I was little, he's grown into a fine man. He's already 21 and a favorite among the young unmarried girls. Well, even some of the older women. Who wouldn't? With long brown hair and gentle coffee brown eyes, any woman should be greatful to marry him.

"Ah! Kohaku, you're back! How did it go?" I asked, knowing he had a recent job dealing with demons infesting a village.

"Same old, same old. I heard that you were called to Lady Kaede's hut," He smiled teasingly, "What did you do Rin?"

Laughing, I smiled at my best friend and protector since we were young, "I didn't do anything Kohaku, you know better than that. Lady Kaede told me this morning that she has something to discuss with me."

"Well, its late. I should go and see how my nephews and nieces are doing." He said, getting on Kirara.

"Say hi to Harumi for me." I said, knowing its the woman he's been crushing on. Harumi was a beautiful woman, a small body and a fair amount of breasts and bum. Light brown hair and dark upturned eyes accentuated with long eyelashes.

He blushed, "Yeah, yeah. See you later Rin." With that, he flew off into the direction of Miroku and Sango's hut.

Chuckling, I quickly made my way to Lady Kaede's hut. "Lady Kaede? I'm here, what did you-"

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