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The cadets are older than they are in the show. Around mid to late teens. But it's up to you what age you want them to be.


Brody was flying high along the river, just enjoying the warm weather Big Swirl Island always offered and just being he's calm, mellow self.

"Primo day for some surfing. I wonder what the others are doing?" He pondered as he continued to fly along the river's path. 

As he continued to fly, he spotted a blue bird wearing an orange shirt perched on a high branch of a tall tree.

"There's Swift." He said, as he flew over to the blue jay.

Swift didn't hear Brody come up behind him, as he continued watching something in the water.

"Hey Swift! What's mmmpph." Brody was cut off by the startled blue jay who quickly covered his beak with his wing.

"Shhh. Keep it down, Brody." Swift whispered, as he removed his wing from his friend's beak.

"That was so not primo, dude." Brody whispered with a scowl.

"Sorry." Swift apologized, then turned to continue watching what he was watching.

"What are you looking at?" Brody asked, as he sat next to his friend and followed his line of sight.

"N-nothing." Swift replied.

When Brody looked to see what his friend was looking at, he saw Penny and Anyu playing in the water.

"Are you spying on Penny?" Brody asked, looking back at Swift.

"N-no. Why'd you think that?" Swift replied, his cheeks turning a bit pink.

Brody picked up on the stutter and noticed the change of color on his friend's face. He looked back at the penguin and polar bear playing together, then back at his friend.

"No way. Dude, do you like Penny?" Brody asked.

"O-of course I like Penny. She's my friend." Swift replied.

"You know what I mean, dude." Brody said, giving him a knowing half-lidded look.

"N-no!... Maybe.... Yes." Swift quietly admitting with a frown.

"Dude, how long have you been like this?" Brody asked.

Swift sighed. "For quite some time now." he replied.

"How long is 'some time'?" Brody asked.

Swift groaned. "A year... or more."

"A YE--!" Brody's beak was quickly covered by Swift. They looked down and saw Penny and Anyu looking around.

With Penny and Anyu

"Did you hear that, Penny?" Anyu asked.

"Hear what?" Penny asked.

"I thought I heard something." Anyu said, as they looked around to see if they saw anything.

"I guess it was nothing. I'm probably just hearing things." she said. They got back to playing after not seeing anything.

With Swift and Brody

Swift gave a relieved sigh and removed his wing from Brody's beak.

"Sorry." Brody apologized. "But dude, a year? How come you never said anything? At least to me and Rod."

"I was confused. I always saw Penny like a little sister. But as we got older, I started to feel different about her. I needed time to understand what I was feeling." Swift explained.

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