Love or like part one

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You run as fast as you can. Your late for your meeting. You run into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" You look at the person on the ground. A beautiful girl is lying there on the floor. You offer your hand to help her up. She grabs your hand and you pull her up. She blushes. You look at you watch. "I have to go, bye." As you started to walk away she grabbed you hand. When you turned around she blushed, she looked kinda shocked that you didn't ignore her. Looking away she asked, "W-whats your n-name?"

Looking at her you reply, " Aaron, whats your name?" She blushed again and replied, "Alease" "Well nice to meet you Alease, I hope we meet again." She looked at you, "Y-yeah!" You smiled as you ran off.

Later that day you arrived at class. There was the girl in the back row. She was sitting there silent. You looked at your friends then to her. You shrug your shoulders and walk over to Alease. She seems suprised that someone sat next to her. So she looks up and sees you. "Oh hi Aaron!" The teacher suddenly yelled loudly, " You in the back! Who are you? Are you new?" Alease looked at her with a scared look on her face. "Y-yes ma'am." "Well stand up and introduce yourself to the class!" She stood up. She was shaking. Without thinking you grab her hand. She looks at you and relaxes a little. She had blushed again, but you just shook it off. "My name's A-alease. I- I am n-new and I-i" She stops as your friends start laughing at her. You look at them. You scold them. One noticed and instantly shit up. This drew the others attention and they all noticed you. The class became quite again.

She had been quiet the whole time. When you look back at her she was staring at you. She was blushing madly. You blushed slightly. After class you walk with her to lunch. She had been pretty quiet ever since and blushed almost all of the time. Looking at the people in the cafeteria, she pulls you to a group of girls. The populars.

They see her and scowled at her. Then they noticed me."Omg, like you should totally sit with us!" Alease sat down and I sat next to her. One of the girls blew me a kiss and one stared. There was even one who winked and one who did.....something,👉👌bad hand signals. One of the girls had spilt their drink, totally on purpose. Alease asked me to get her a paper towel.

When I had gotten back about ten minutes later......Alease was on the floor and so was the populars. One of them got up. "Help Aaron" I looked at the place. Blood was every where. What had happened here?

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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