Young Stories

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Breanna's POV
Right now I am  finishing cooking dinner for my husband Christian Yelich and our daughter Belle. Belle is five years old and a little sassy but like me. We are both know not for just being with Christian but that we usually always match clothes. I could say I have a good close number to almost a million followers on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, and Snapchat.

 I could say I have a good close number to almost a million followers on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, and Snapchat

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We are wearing this but my hair is in a ponytail.
I was sitting on the chair that was connected to the island in our kitchen. Belle was playing with the doll has we got her for her birthday and she literally loves it so much. She plays with it at least two to three times a day. I must have zoned out because I didn't here the front door open nor close. Since I didn't hear when the door open or closed Christian comes from behind and wraps his arms around my waist literally giving me a heart attack.
"Babe really?" I said whining like a baby
"What did I do" Christian said
"Babe you gave me a heart attack"
"Not like I meant to" he said putting his hands in the air as in surrender
I just smile and shake my head looking at my adorable husband who I have married for three years and dating since ninth grade.
"Now can I get a proper hello from my wife"
"Sup bud" I said smiling
"Rude and not what I meant babe" he said walking over to me and gave me a kiss which I wrap my arms around his neck and smile into the kiss while his arms are wrapped around my waist.
"Aaawww mommy and daddy you guys are so cute." I hear our five year old daughter Belle said which made us break the kiss
"Thank you baby" I said while I was cuddling into Christian's side

After severing dinner obviously we ate it. Once we were done eating I asked Christian if he could change Belle while I am cleaning the dishes.
"Babe can you change Belle into her pjs while I clean the dishes"
"Sure my queen" Christian says while picking up Jada
"But mommy don't be late for bedtime story and I get to pick tonight"
"Ok baby I will be right up there once I finished
It takes about four to five minutes to clean the dishes and change into comfy clothes. I start heading to Belle's room
"Ok sweetie what bed time story do you want us read I walk over to her book stack collection."
"Mommy and daddy I want to listen to a real story like what you did when you were yuonger"
"Well when mommy and I were just starting dating we played baseball together"

Ten years ago

(A/n still Breanna's POV)
Christian and I were walking hand and hand to our favorite kids baseball field. We always practice here on Sundays. We put our bags in the dugout and I grab one of his gloves and the bucket of balls while Christian grabs his batting gloves and bat. He walks over to home plate while I walk to the pitching mound. I pitch a couple of balls to him while he hits them into the outfield or over the fence. We still had about six or seven balls left. On the third to last ball Cody hits a little bouncer in front of me. Little did I know it was going to take a bad hop. So it hit me right on my right cheek. I drop my glove and the ball and grab on to my right cheek with both of my hands. I hear the bat and batting gloves land on the dirt while running sound gets louder the closer he gets.
"Oh my god baby I didn't mean to hit you I am so sorry" he said wrapping his arms around my smaller sized body
It toke me a minute or two answer back to recover the little incident just a second ago.
"It is okay babe I know you didn't mean to do it" I said look into his eyes and giving him a reassuring look with a smile
"Are you sure you are okay" he said rubbing his thumb gently over the bump on my cheek which I wince in a little pain.
"Sorry" He said in a worry voice
"I am okay I swear babe" I said wrapping my arms around his neck and looking into his eyes
We just stare into each other's eyes for a whole until Christian starts to lean down. In less than a heart beat j feel his softy and pink lips on mine. I smile into kiss when he pulls me in more for the kiss. We stay like this for a good couple more seconds until we are out of breathe. I still have my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist. Our forehead on each other. We rub our noses against each other. We stay like that for ten seconds then Christian lifts his head up give my forehead and head a couple of kisses a couple of times

Present now

"Wow I want some one who will treat me like that" Belle said with a pout
"WOW lets not get a head of ourselves because who is the only man in your life?"
"Chicken" Belle said smiling while I am laughing my butt off at her answer
"What Belle you are going to make me cry" Christian said making a puppy face which gets Belle every time when Christian wants something
"Daddy I was just joking you are the only man in my life" she said running over to him to give him a hug
"Aww thank you baby"
"Well it is time to go to sleep baby" I said enjoying this father daughter moment
We tuck her into bed and say goodnight. Once I close Belle's door we walk to our room hand and hand sitting on the bed.
"The love of my life is chicken too daddy"
"Wow I guess my two lovers pick chicken over me"
"Maybe even three daddy" I said with a smile
It toke him a minute I figure it out
"Your pregnant?"he said with a smile
I just nod my head and he tackles me with a hug.
"We are going to be a family of four"
"Yes baby we are"
Cody goes down to my nonexistent baby belly bump and kisses it and says
"Hi little fella it's daddy. I love you and you better not like chicken better then me"

Five months later

I was just about to pitch the ball the Christian. Once he hits it we see the color

 Once he hits it we see the color

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"It's Blue. It's a boy" I literally jump into his arms with pure excitement

Can't wait to meet you Bryce Jay Yelich

Christian Yelich imagines Where stories live. Discover now