Chapter 1

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It had been over just a few months since Fairy Tail took down the Phantom Lord guild. Juvia had joined Fairy Tail along with Gajeel, Gajeel Redfox the Iron Dragon slayer.

The master of Fairy Tail had convinced Gajeel to join Fairy Tail. Why? Well, that's something even Gajeel couldn't even respond to.

He knew once he stepped foot into the guild of Fairy Tail he was going to get bashed or even taunted but some part of him knew he deserved it.

He deserved every part of the taunting and the beating. He was the cause of the guild to be destroyed, he was the cause of the Fairy Tail members crying , he was the cause of the members of Fairy Tail to look down at him, he was the cause of a certain bluenette to be in the hospital as her friends went to avenge her.

So yeah, Gajeel knew what he was getting himself into, if walking into Fairy Tail was his suicide then so be it. Just as expected once he walked into the guild, everyone stayed quiet as Gajeel walked into the guild hall. All eyes were on him, the metal chains of his black combat boots clanking together as he slowly made his way to Mirajane.

Once he reached Mira she gave him her sweetest smile. " You must be Gajeel, the master told us we were expecting you. You must be here for your guild mark. Let me help you with that."

Gajeel gave her a quick nod but no verbal response. He wanted to sit down as soon as possible. Once Mirajane placed the black Fairy Tail emblem on Gajeel's shoulder, he sat down with a mug of alcohol. A little something to pass the feeling he was feeling deep down. He knew they were whispering about him,talking about him like he was some sort of trash. Their stares were cold and intense. But he shrugged it off and continued to drink his bitter beverage.

" You don't even belong here, why are you even here, you monster? "

" Can't believe the Master let someone like you into the guild, a piece of trash. "

" You hurt Miss Levy, just you wait, we'll get our revenge. "

The guild had taunted him. Called him names and spit on him. He didn't care though or maybe he did. In the distance of name calling and the torment was the young woman Levy Mcgarden. The same woman they had told Gajeel they were going to get revenge for. She was the same woman Gajeel had crucified upon that tree in Magnolia's park. He had even put the Phantom Lord's guild mark on her stomach.

How that girl still managed to give him a smile every time she saw him around the guild was beyond Gajeel. Even after what he did to her, what he did to her guild she still managed to give him a smile. Gajeel wasn't going to lie though, she was a pure kind hearted person. She was always there for her guild mates, she always had something positive to say even if that meant her having bad ties with a person. That was just how Levy Mcgarden was.

So when the day came that Levy Mcgarden gave Gajeel a smile. The stone cold feeling he felt within his heart vanished within a second upon seeing it but once she left, the melancholy had once returned to him. He was a dragon slayer, once known for his hostile actions upon all he at met. His " bad boy " persona his what everyone feared and he intended to keep it that way.

" Natsu! Hurry up with your eating! We have a quest to complete and you're waisting our time! " Yelled Lucy to Natsu.

  Gajeel chuckled silently to himself as he saw the blond he knew as Lucy try to hurry up the son of the king of Dragons, Igneel. He knew Lucy all too well. She too was a victim of Gajeel's beatings. He kicked and bruised her. Taunted her and her guild and all for what? Power. His old guild wanted power.

" A smile, I didn't think I was going to get one from you Gajeel. " A soft voice called out his name.

Gajeel turned around quickly and saw Levy. Her short blue locks shining in the light, her pale skin smooth, her pink lips. She was beautiful and kind. How did he have the nerve to do such a thing to her?

" Shut up, Shorty. Maybe you should leave me be, I don't think some of the guild members like me all that much for you to be hanging out with me. "

Levy rolled her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest all the while taking a seat in front of Gajeel. She smiles.

" Don't be silly Gajeel, they just need time. "

Standing up, knocking over the chair he sat on, Gajeel slammed his hand against the wooden table. Looking Levy right into her Hazel eyes, she looking back into his black orbs.

" How dense can you be? How much more hard headed can you get? I just don't understand! " His voice raised and stone cold but as the guild members turn to face him. He looks away to the side.

" I don't understand.. how is it you can forgive someone like me? After.. what I did to you. I just don't understand. " He said as he exited the guild shaking his head.

He was confused, how could she just walk up to him like that? Once he saw her his heart would throb and tense, as if on the verge of a heart attack.

As he lay in bed that night, Gajeel sighs deeply as he covers his eyes with his arm. He relaxed a bit as he felt his bare back against the sheets of his bed.

That girl, maybe she is going to be his one weakness beside that horrible motion sickness. Her kind smile and her beauty was enough to make any man go wild. As he groans in frustration, Gajeel takes a swig of his alcohol beverage he has on his night stand and allows the alcohol to take a way his worries and send him a drift to sleep.

end of chapter one.

A/N: I am so happy to finally share this book! Gajevy is my favorite ship in Fairy Tail. I also dedicate this story to my dear shadow_the_loser. I hope maybe you can get what I'm hinting at with this book, Shadow. Anyways, enjoy the rest of the chapters. I'll try to post more!

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